Bucket List_ The Kingdom Of Stonasia_2

The treatment process would take weeks, months, or even years, and she would be in an unfamiliar setting far from her home. How could she say no if it meant even a remote possibility of recovery?

After inhaling deeply, Emily questioned Dr. Garcia, "If I were interested in this treatment, how would we begin?"

Dr. Garcia said. "The initial step would be sending all your pertinent medical data. After I have reviewed the case, we will schedule a time for me to bring you to the facility. It is situated in a tranquil area of the country, away from the bustle, allowing patients to concentrate only on improving. We offer supervision, care, and assistance around. We could start immediately if you're prepared to commit, even if it's difficult."

She could sense that the toll of her three months of travel was taking its toll and that she might not live long. If what Dr. Garcia said was accurate, she had to have started immediately, or it could have been too late.