A New Beginning, Moving On?_2

Eve Young wanted to be more than a support system and confidante. She tried to heal his broken heart and show him that love could exist again, only in a different way.

"Jake, you deserve to be happy," Eve said. "And if you ever want more or to continue, I'm here to support you. I'm here to stay."

As Jake caught her eyes, something snapped between them momentarily, a sense of what may be possible.

However, at that same time, the moment faded, and Jake looked away, his mind still focused on the woman he could not shake.

Eve is a very kind woman with almost the same traits as Emily. But he doesn't feel anything for her at all. It is not that he didn't try before—he did a couple of years after Emily left—but nothing... Jake thought as he looked into her sad eyes.

Jake said softly, "Eve, thank you very much. I'm not sure what I would do without you. But I'm not ready for this—not at this time."