The Engagement_1

Originally intending to drop off some toys for Joan and gifts for the twins, he stayed awhile after noticing Laura's weariness.

Jeb replied, "You work too hard," as he sat beside her. "You need to take better care of yourself."

Laura gave a little laugh. "Says the man who hasn't taken a vacation in years."

Jeb grinned, but his features softened when he gave her a closer look. I mean it, Laura. You've experienced a lot. Someone should be watching out for you; you deserve that."

Laura looked up at him, her heart pounding. She hadn't taken the time to consider her desires since she had been too preoccupied with just getting by and rebuilding her life for Joan.

Now that she was seated beside Jeb, she could not ignore their increasing bond.

Laura mutely said, "Jeb, I don't know what I would've done without you. You've given me so much... and I think I might be ready to let someone in again. Slowly, but willing."