Laura And Joan Went Missing_3

Olivia had always been vicious, but this? This was beyond her wildest expectations. She had never meant to harm an innocent child-like Joan, much less Laura.

Her judgment had been distorted by jealousy, but now that it had reached this point, Eve was horrified.

"Mother, what did you do?" Eve asked, her voice faltering. She couldn't believe that Olivia could do that, but then, if she could abandon her at birth, she guessed her mother could.

Olivia dismissively waved her hand. "I fixed your issue. That woman will no longer sidetrack Jake. You can recover your status as his fiancee."

Eve felt her stomach flip. "You had them kidnapped? Why would you do such a dreadful thing? What happens if they murder them? Mother!"

Eve was quite disturbed and terrified that anything would happen to the mother and kid.