I Want To Go Home...

Following a comprehensive examination, the doctor conveyed the heartbreaking news to the Sheik, who could not accept it.

He wanted to kill the doctor who had diagnosed Emily because he felt like his old self was going to explode.

Emily's long-ago ailment, which she had thought was resolved, suddenly reappeared. Her brain tumor had returned with a fury after having been treated and believed to be in remission.

When the doctor revealed how serious her situation was, the Sheik felt as though everything in his universe had collapsed.

Emily's life may be in jeopardy if her condition wasn't immediately and aggressively treated.

Sheik Al-Shahid remained still, unable to believe what he had just seen.

The one who had filled his life with so much happiness and warmth, the lady he loved more than anything in the world, was suffering from a terminal disease. It hurt to think of losing her.