I Loved You For A Thousand Year... [Music To Listen]

The Sheik stood aside and allowed the reunion to happen spontaneously. He spotted Emily with her family, and the sound of her children laughing filled his ears with a song that made him happy and sad.

The first euphoria faded, and the Sheik realized it was time to say goodbye. He went up to Emily, who was kneeling and hugging her children. Her eyes glowed with appreciation as she glanced up at him.

Her voice quivered passionately as she said, "Sheik Al-Shahid, I'm so grateful to you." "You've given me so much."

With a sad tone, he answered quietly, "I only did what anyone would do for someone they care about." "But I must ask your family for forgiveness for what I am about to say."

Emily nodded, noting the seriousness of his remarks. He turned to face Aiden and Joan, bowing correctly before them. "I appreciate that I got to know your mother." She is beautiful, and I apologize if my presence bothered you. I sincerely wish you would forgive me."