
Joan remained composed and nodded courteously as he sat beside her on the bench. Her hands held securely in her lap, she gazed straight ahead.

He said in a casual tone, "Tell me, Joan. " What do you want most out of life?"

The question surprised her. "I guess I have the same desires as most individuals: to feel content, have a purpose in life, and be happy," she said nonchalantly without looking at him.

A little smile flickered across Mark's lips, but it was not a friendly one. "be happy," he said, as though the word were unfamiliar. "Is that what you think you'll find here?"

Joan stared at him, preparing for whatever he had in store.

"Sir, with all due respect. I'm here to perform my job. Nothing more. I never even once thought that I would be happy here. You asked me what I want most, and I answered. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Wow! So, offensive." Her skin crawled at the loud, irritating sound of his laughter.