How Long Can She Hide Her Identity?_2

As Lovely clasped Eleanor's frail hand in hers, her heart wrenched. The gentle beeps of medical equipment filled the room, and the aroma of lavender, the older woman's favorite perfume, wafted through the air. A grin that eased the wrinkles left by sickness and age curled Grandmother Eleanor's pale lips.

She remained composed and resisted wanting to cry despite her feelings churning inside her.

"You returned," Grandmother Eleanor said, her voice almost audible. "I knew you would always."

"Of course, as I promised the last I came," she said, softly caressing Grandmother Eleanor's palm while stroking a loose lock of hair behind her ear. "I wouldn't be anywhere else because you are like family to me." 

Eleanor's eyes scanned Lovely's face as though she were learning every detail by heart. She said, "You remind me so much of someone I loved dearly. I feel like I'm seeing her once more."