A New Man In Her Life_2

One evening, after a long day of shooting, Hoon invited her out. "I'd like to take you somewhere; I believe you will enjoy it," he said, flashing a charming smile on his attractive face. 

"I'm actually quite exhausted and considering an early night, perhaps..." Lovely replied while stretching her weary arms. She wasn't in the mood and wished to stay home and rest well. 

Nevertheless, he was not easily dissuaded. He discovered this stunning location and wanted to share it with Lovely while contemplating proposing to her.

"It will just be for a short time. We won't linger for too long. I understand you had a tiring day. Alright! Please..." His tone was pitiful, and his expression was full of regret.

It pulled at her heartstrings as she gazed at his endearing face and found herself unable to resist. "Okay, I'll join you briefly, but not too long, alright? I need some rest," she replied gently, conceding to his appeal.