Chapter 158

Aiden gritted his teeth the moment Logan walked toward Ariel and carried Jace from her.

"It's nothing serious; Mr. Chaz had just received a picture of someone mistaking me for your boyfriend," Logan chuckled.

"Oh? Who's that, Aiden?" She asked.

Aiden sighed, "It's Lin. Moon must have told them; if Lin knows, it means that Grandma must know too," he looked frustrated.

His plan of peacefully trying to woo Ariel back might just be as good as gone.

Now, he was sure that Grandma Nari wouldn't let Ariel rest until she answered all her questions and she was satisfied with all her investigations.

Ariel scoffed, "Hi, Dad," she waved at Mr. Sloan.

"Don't worry about that, Aiden; it's good they know; I wasn't planning on hiding for long anyway. And Moon did come to visit me last night; maybe you should ask her about it. I'm sure her visit to me was what convinced her to tell Grandma about me," she chuckled.