Chapter 171

"Mummy, did you see my toy room?! Daddy hot me loads of them, it's so awesome," Jace ran down the stairs and flew into Ariel's arms, who was sitting on the couch.

Ariel laughed, hugging Jace to her chest.

She lifted her lap and kissed his cheek, "Yes, honey, I saw it; your dad is the best, right?" She held his little hand and kissed it.

Jace nodded, "Yes, Mummy, I love him!" He turned in her arms and hugged her.

Ariel smiled, gently hugging her son. She was so happy that Jace was bonding well with Aiden; she had thought the relationship would be strained because they'd just met as father and son, but she was wrong; Aiden made sure he made his presence felt in Jace's life.

She heard Aiden come down the stairs and leaned his back against the wall near the stairs.

He was looking at Ariel and Jace, a smirk playing on his lips.