Are you ready, Mrs. Eaton

Lily summoned her strength and pushed Chris away, her father's words echoing in her mind. "Romancing Chris Eaton was equal to signing a death warrant." She forced herself to see him for what he truly was - the son of a Mafia king, dangerous and unpredictable.

Taking a deep breath, Lily steeled herself. She recalled her struggles over the past two months - how she had been on the brink of death, heartless and hopeless. But she survived. Now, faced with another battle, she refused to cower or worry her parents further.

"Chris," she said, her voice steady despite her racing heart, "we need to come to a truce."

His eyebrow arched, curiosity replacing the earlier seduction in his piercing blue gaze.

"I'm willing to do whatever you ask, to accept the contract," Lily continued, "But on one condition: leave my parents out of this. They can never know that you gave me the heart or that I'm your... wife in return. Or you will never target them or their business."

Chris frowned, shaking his head. "Lily, that's not possible. Your parents have a right to know. This isn't something we can hide forever."

"Please," Lily pleaded, her resolve unwavering. "I'll do anything in return. Just give me this one thing."

Chris studied her for a long moment, his blue eyes unreadable. "Anything?" he repeated, a dangerous edge to his voice.

Lily swallowed hard but nodded. "Anything."

A slow smile spread across Chris's face, a mix of triumph and something softer, almost admiring. "Very well, Mrs. Eaton," he said, the title sending an involuntary shiver down Lily's spine. "We have a deal. Your parents remain in the dark, and in return, you're mine. Completely."

The weight of her decision settled on Lily's shoulders, but she stood tall. This was her battle to fight, her secret to bear. She would protect her parents from this secret, even if it meant sacrificing herself. 

"Deal," she said, extending her hand.

Chris took it, but instead of shaking it, he brought it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. "I look forward to our future together, Lily," he murmured against her skin.

As Lily looked into Chris's eyes, she realized she had just made a deal with the devil himself. But for her parents' peace of mind, for her own survival, she would dance with this particular devil for as long as necessary.

Once Chris left, Lily's mind raced. She needed help, and she knew exactly who to turn to. After two frantic hours of searching, she finally found the contact number of Michael Thornton, only the lawyer who had offered help in the VIP club. 

With trembling fingers, she dialed his number.

"I've been expecting your call," Michael's calm voice answered.

Lily spilled everything – his appearance in her house and how she was trapped. "Starting tomorrow, Chris will be telling me what to do," she finished breathlessly. "What should I do to take him down?"

Michael's response was unexpected. "For now, get close to him. Make him believe you're genuinely into him. It's the first step."

As Lily hung up, she felt more trapped than ever. The idea of faking affection for Chris made her stomach churn. She couldn't deny her physical attraction to him – his piercing blue eyes and chiseled jawline, and Rayn Gosling-like body were enough to make any woman weak at the knees. But she also feared him, his mafia king father, and the dangerous aura that surrounded him like a second skin.

How could she fake love when her emotions were such a tangled mess? Was this really what she wanted to do?

Lily glanced at her reflection in the mirror, tracing the contours of her now-perfect face. She had gotten plastic surgery to explore the world, to have her pick of men and find the one who was best for her. Instead, she found herself bound to Chris Eaton, a man as alluring as he was dangerous.

The irony wasn't lost on her. She had changed her appearance to open up a world of possibilities, only to end up in a cage of her own making.

As she flopped onto her bed, Lily's mind whirled with conflicting thoughts. Could she really pull this off? Pretend to fall for Chris while secretly plotting against him? And more importantly, as she recalled the intensity in his eyes and the gentleness of his touch, did she even want to?

Lily closed her eyes, feeling the weight of her decisions pressing down on her. Tomorrow would bring a new chapter in her life – one filled with deception, danger, and perhaps, despite her best efforts, desire.


The next morning, Lily stood in the kitchen doorway, her packed bags at her feet. Her mother was at the counter, preparing juice for her father who was upstairs in a video conference with his clients. The familiar scene made Lily's heartache with the knowledge of what was to come.

"Sweetie, why are you all packed up?" her mother asked, eyeing the luggage with surprise.

Lily took a deep breath, steeling herself for the lie she was about to tell. "I'm going to our family's private island near the Atlantic with Jude," she said, forcing a smile. "I need a little getaway."

Her mother's brow furrowed with concern. "But honey, you're supposed to be resting. Your new heart has only just adapted to your body. Is it safe to travel?"

"Mom, I'll be fine," Lily assured her, trying to keep her voice steady. "I'll be idle on the island with Jude around, and we have servants there. Plus, there's a hospital near the shore if anything happens."

Her mother hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Alright, if you're sure. But promise you'll call regularly."

"Of course, Mom," Lily said, swallowing the lump in her throat. "Can you tell Dad about it later? I need to get going."

As she hugged her mother goodbye, Lily couldn't help but wonder when – or if – she'd ever be able to come back home again. The weight of her deception pressed heavily on her shoulders as she picked up her bags and walked out the door, leaving behind the safety and warmth of her family home for an uncertain future with Chris Eaton.

As Lily stepped out of her house, her eyes fell on a gleaming black luxury car parked at the curb. Her heart skipped a beat, knowing this was her ride into an uncertain future. With a deep breath, she approached the vehicle, her luggage feeling heavier with each step.

Opening the door, she slid into the plush leather seat, the scent of new car and expensive cologne filling her senses. To her surprise, it wasn't a chauffeur behind the wheel, but Chris Eaton himself. He turned to her, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief and something else – was it anticipation?

"Are you ready, Mrs. Eaton?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips.