War and revenge

Hannah Eaton approached Lily's bedside, her movements graceful and her smile warm. She was a middle-aged woman but she looked very young as if in her 20s, her body all toned up in an attractive hourglass shape. Lily wished that she could still look that young and attractive while she aged. 

No wonder Liam Eaton chose her as his mate and trapped her in his web of love. 

"How are you feeling, dear?" Hannah asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Lily managed a weak smile. "I'm... feeling better, thank you."

Hannah's face lit up. "Oh, I'm so happy to finally meet you! You know, Chris was so against the idea of marriage itself. Then, out of the blue last week, he announced he had a wife!" She leaned in, her eyes twinkling. "You must be madly in love to have changed his mind so quickly."

Lily's stomach twisted. If only Hannah knew the truth - the contract, the blackmail, the fear that had brought her here. But she couldn't shatter this kind of woman's illusions. Instead, she offered another feeble smile, hoping it would suffice.

As Hannah studied her face, something in her expression shifted. A flicker of... Realization? Concern? It was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by her usual warmth.

"Well, you need your rest," Hannah said, rising from the chair. "Please, don't think of me as just your mother-in-law. Consider me a friend. If you need anything - anything at all - you can come to me. I'll help you however I can."

"Thank you," Lily replied, surprised by the sincerity in her own voice. "That means a lot."

As Hannah left the room, Lily's mind whirled. Hannah Eaton was undeniably kind and welcoming - everything a girl could want in a mother-in-law. Her offer of friendship seemed genuine, a potential lifeline in this unfamiliar world.

But caution tempered Lily's relief. She couldn't forget who Hannah was married to, or the world she was a part of. As friendly as she seemed, Hannah was still an Eaton. 

No, Lily realized with a sinking heart. She couldn't ask Hannah for what she truly needed - freedom from Chris Eaton's clutches. After all, Hannah had made her own choices long ago, tying her fate to Liam Eaton's. How could she possibly understand or help with Lily's predicament?

As sleep finally began to claim her, Lily's last thoughts were of Hannah's kind offer and Chris's gentle care. In this world of danger and deceit, could she dare to trust anyone? Or were the mother and son duo just acting nice to her—just to deceive her?!


Chris Eaton lounged in his room, a football game playing on the massive TV screen. His mind, however, was far from the sport. He wondered how the interaction between his mother and Lily had gone. He hoped Lily had played her part well, keeping their contract arrangement under wraps.

The door swung open, and Hannah Eaton - his mom strode in, her usually serene face clouded with a frown. Chris's heart sank. He knew that look.

Lily had probably screwed up the meeting, exposing them. 

"Explain this to me," Hannah demanded, her voice sharp. "Is Lily here against her will? That girl looks scared to her bones."

Chris's jaw clenched as he faced his mother's accusation. "You've got it all wrong, Mom," he said, his voice tight with frustration. "I'm not doing anything bad to Lily."

Hannah's eyes flashed with disbelief. "Don't lie to me, Christopher…"

"Mom… trust me," Chris ran a hand through his brown hair, choosing his words carefully. "We have a mutual agreement. A contract. Lily agreed to be my wife and business partner."

"A contract?" Hannah's voice rose in pitch. "And you made her sign this against her will?!"

"Not at all," Chris insisted, his blue eyes intense. "I gave her something in return. Something that saved her life."

Hannah's face paled, her hands trembling slightly as she gripped the back of a nearby chair. "What have you done, Chris?"

"I've saved her life, Mom. If not for me she would have died," he said, his voice low and urgent. "And now I have to save our family. You don't understand the full picture."

Hannah's eyes widened, a mix of shock and dismay etched across her face. "Saved her life? Chris, what are you talking about?"

Chris paced the room, his frustration palpable. "It doesn't matter how Mom. What matters is that I did, and now we are partners."

Hannah shook her head, her voice rising. "Even if you saved her life, that doesn't give you the right to trap her in a marriage or a business contract! That's not how this works, Chris. You can't buy someone's love or loyalty."

"You don't understand," Chris insisted, his blue eyes flashing. "Lily and I share a common enemy. Once I explain everything to her, she'll want to help take them down. She'll see why this is necessary."

His mom's face hardened, her usually gentle demeanor replaced by steely resolve. "An enemy? Chris, listen to yourself. Don't get into war or revenge with anyone. It never ends well."

"You don't understand, Mom," Chris shot back. "This is serious. Do you even know the enemy?!"

Hannah held up a hand, cutting him off. "I don't want to know who this 'enemy' is. I've stayed out of this Mafia business for a reason. But let me tell you something, Christopher Eaton. This path you're on? It's self-destructive."

She stepped closer, her voice dropping to a fierce whisper. "Look at your father. All those years of waging war, seeking revenge. What did it get him? He was a restless monster, always looking over his shoulder, never at peace. Now that he is finally retired from the Mafia business and chilling, I thought that there will be peace in our family—but you… you are starting it all again."

Chris flinched at her words, but Hannah pressed on, her eyes gleaming with tears that made Chris feel hurt and guilty. 

"Let it go, Chris. Whatever this is, it's not worth destroying your life over. Or Lily's."

For a moment, uncertainty flickered across Chris's face. But then his jaw set, his eyes hardening. "You don't understand the full picture, Mom. I have to do this. For all of us."

Hannah's shoulders sagged, the fight leaving her. "Oh, Chris. You sound just like your father did years ago. I thought I'd raised you better than this."

Chris's voice softened a hint of the boy he once was shining through. "Mom, please. Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

Hannah met his gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of love and disappointment. "I hope you do, son. For your sake, and for Lily's. But remember this - a marriage built on lies and manipulation will never last. First, try telling the truth to Lily."

With those parting words, Hannah turned and left the room, leaving Chris alone with his thoughts and the weight of his choices pressing down on him.