Beach house part - 1

Chris awoke with a contented smile playing on his lips. He turned, his eyes falling on Lily's sleeping form beside him. Her hair was tousled, her face peaceful in slumber. A wave of warmth washed over him as he remembered the night before - the passion, the connection. It was more than just physical; he realized with startling clarity that he was in love with her.

His reverie was interrupted by the shrill ring of his phone. Careful not to disturb Lily, Chris reached for it, frowning at the caller ID. His father, Liam Eaton.

"Dad?" Chris answered, his voice low.

"Chris," Liam's voice came through, tinged with an unusual note of concern. "I've got an update for you. My brother..." he paused, and Chris could almost feel his father's unease through the phone. "I mean, there's a rumor in the underground that Znakomstvo is back."

Chris felt his blood run cold. Znakomstvo - his uncle, his father's elder brother, and their long-standing rival. The name alone conjured memories of past conflicts and bitter rivalries.

"Actually, Dad," Chris replied, his mind racing, "I already knew about this. Avery Sterling admitted just two days ago that she has a new ally going by Znakomstvo."

There was a pause on the other end of the line. "Chris," Liam said slowly, "it's just a rumor. I believe your uncle is still in prison. Someone else must be using his brand name as a mask."

Chris nodded, even though his father couldn't see him. "I guessed as much too. I know Uncle can't be back. But whoever this new Znakomstvo is, they're dangerous."

Father and son delved into a discussion, strategizing on how to unmask this new threat. They agreed that Avery Sterling was the key - she was their link to this mysterious new player.

As the call ended, Chris's mind was whirling with possibilities. He knew what he had to do. Somehow, he needed to prove Avery guilty in court. Only then would this new Znakomsko be forced to make a move, potentially revealing their true identity.

Chris looked over at Lily, still peacefully asleep. His determination hardened. 

He gently brushed a strand of hair from Lily's face, his touch feather-light to avoid waking her. At that moment, Chris made a silent vow. He would see this through, no matter the cost. He would unravel this mystery, bring Avery to justice, and unmask the imposter using his uncle's name.

This wasn't just about him anymore, or even about his family's long-standing feud. It was about protecting Lily, about ensuring she had a future free from Avery's machinations and the looming threat of this new enemy.


Chris decided a change of scenery might help clear his mind from the looming threats. He chose a posh beach house near the sea of Nysorian, hoping the peaceful surroundings would offer a brief respite.

Lily's excitement was palpable during the journey. As soon as they arrived, she dashed towards the shore, her thermal jacket flapping in the chilly breeze. Chris couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

He settled on the sand, watching as Lily splashed in the shallow water. Her laughter carried on the wind, a melody that warmed his heart despite the cool air. There was something captivating about her childlike joy, so pure and unburdened by the complexities that usually surrounded them.

Lily's cheeks were flushed with excitement when she finally plopped down beside him. "Why aren't you coming to play with me in the water?" she asked, her brown eyes sparkling.

Chris smirked, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You play. I'm saving my energy for something that I have planned tonight."

Lily blinked innocently, tilting her head. "For what? What are you saving your energy for?"

Too innocent. She was too innocent to even understand what he was actually referring to - this is why he loved her.

"You'll know soon," Chris replied, his lips curving into a sensual smile. 

Lily shrugged, accepting his cryptic answer, and set about building a sand castle. 

Chris watched her, marveling at how she could find joy in such simple things. It was another quality he admired, one that he sometimes wished he possessed himself.

When Lily returned to the water to search for seashells, Chris kept a watchful eye on her. His vigilance proved necessary when a large wave caught her off guard, drenching her completely. In an instant, he was on his feet, rushing to her aid.

As he helped her out of the water, he couldn't resist teasing her. "You were so playful. Now get in and dry your hair," he said, his tone a mixture of amusement and concern, reminiscent of a father addressing a child.

Inside the cottage, Chris helped Lily remove her soaked thermal jacket. He guided her to the vanity, grabbing a towel to dry her hair. As he worked, he caught Lily's gaze in the mirror's reflection. Her eyes were filled with warmth and admiration.

"You look too handsome," she murmured, a slight blush coloring her cheeks.

Chris chuckled, his hands still gentle as they worked through her damp locks. "Come on. Say something I don't know."

Lily stood up suddenly, turning to face him. Her expression was a mix of emotions - affection, frustration, and something deeper that made Chris's heart race. "You're too arrogant," she declared, "and full of attitude. Sometimes I hate you for that."

For a moment, Chris was taken aback by her words. But as he looked into her brown eyes, he saw the challenge there, the fire that had first drawn him to her. Without a word, he pulled her close, silencing her with a passionate kiss.

As their lips met, Chris poured all of his complex emotions into the kiss. His admiration for her innocence, his desire to protect her, the tender care he felt for her, and the deep, consuming love that had taken root in his heart - all of it was there in the press of his lips against hers.

When they finally parted, both breathless, Chris rested his forehead against Lily's. In that moment, all the threats and challenges they faced seemed distant. Here, in this quiet cottage by the sea, with Lily in his arms, Chris felt a peace he hadn't known in years.

Now all he wanted was to feel even more peace, and Lily was the only one who could give him that. 

"Okay, thank you for drying my hair and that," Lily smiled. "I'll go outside and continue playing—"

What the?! Then Chris understood that she was playing hard to get, by acting extra-childish than usual.

He would go with the flow and bring her exactly where she belonged—in the warm bed, with her beneath him, their bodies wrapped in soft blankets.