Chapter 1- Excerpt


"Their deceit will be their downfall." ~Araneae Ruber


YEAR 1914

LUELLA PRESSED her back against a pillar while listening to the orchestra in the banquet hall. She had just finished talking to Ser. Julius about a business plan he proposed to her some nights ago.

But now they had somewhat concluded the plans. 


Because she was heavily hesitant, on going forward with the plan. Not because it was a terrible business plan, but because it wasn't her who thought of it.

The profits to the Van-Rensselaer family would not be in per with the Ser. Julius's family. But regardless, it was a very good transport business.

Duly thinking, She wondered how the old man could have thought of placing a metal ship on the waters for better and easier transportation. 

She was clearly doubtful at first, because, after all, metal sinks once placed in water. But after building a miniature metal ship that didn't sink in water, she was immediately sold. 

Luella was going to give credit where credit was due, and she would confidently say Ser. Julius had a serious knack for trading and business. 

One could say he was the jack of all trade, but without the literal meaning of it. 

She sighed sadly, knowing that investing had very little gain than owning the said project. 

"A golden crown for your thoughts?" A voice asked, pulling her from her thoughts.

She blinked as she stared at the man, wondering who he might dearly be to talk to her. 

She knew him not.

Which was a shocker to her, as she only knew important and prominent figures in the political and business field of the empire. As the heir to the Van-Rensselaer dukedom, which was in right and duty to know most if not all, then those who think about business, politics and its works. 

This is also in join with the prominent people in the empire within those groups. But now a classy, well-dressed man wearing a finely tailored tailed suit approached her. 

She was the least honored. 

But regardless, she put on a smile. 

"Pleasure to be of acquaintance," She greeted, stepping some distance away from him to curtsy to him.

"The pleasure is mine, My Lady" He replied to her greeting. She nodded as she made no move to start a conversation. 

She waited for him to state his reason or needs, but for a few minutes he only stared at her. 

Then suddenly, a flirty smirk played on his face. This sent a disgusted shudder down her spine as she crooked her brows at him.

But yet she said nothing and waited for his words.

"I heard the unfortunate news about the Van-Rensselaer's family." He suddenly uttered with no prior warning.

It was clearly meant to be a jab at her, as she knew the meaning behind his words, but she said nothing. She gave no reaction that he wanted.

"But to think your younger twin sister would harness the family's bloodline magic before you, the older sister," he continued his taunts. 

He tapped at his chin, acting like he was thinking of an answer or solution, a mystery. Moving around her, he took the left space beside the pillar she was previously leaning on. 

Luella didn't move from her position as she kept her eyes on the man. "Is that why mage families fear giving birth to more than one child at a time? Are they afraid that one child will sap the magic from the other sibling?"

"You tell me," Luella replied with a dry and nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. The man squinted her eyes as he analyzed her reaction.

The man, Lord Nigel Champneys, was also from a mage line of nobility water users. Therefore, he knew the weight at which his sharp words should have on her, but it didn't seem to be the case. 

She either knew how to hide her feelings or she didn't care about him or his words. And Lord Nigel prayerfully hopes that it wasn't the latter but the former. 

"Honestly speaking, Lady Luella, I don't know if I should feel pity or worry about you?" He asked. 

Luella's brows furrowed in confusion as she wondered why she would need such emotion from him. 

"Respectfully speaking, Ser. But there is no relationship between us that would warrant such concern from your end."

'Ah! So it was indeed the latter feeling she had for him,' He thought to himself after her response.

He had planned on taking pity on her, since she was a pitiful wallflower who stood alone in a corner among a large crowd.

But now he was getting insulted by her just because he had stooped low to show her an ounce of affection, despite the terrible rumors going on about her.

'Hence, why you don't do good to others? It turns back to you as an insult,' He soliloquized.

"I take concern, as I have a thing or two going on with your sister Louisa," He admitted. 

Everybody always had a thing or two with Louisa Van-Rensselaer, which really concerned Luella a lot. 

As a noble lady, there was a difference between being ‌famous and being ‌famous ‌in gender.

Luella knew her sister's popularity was of the latter, but she didn't know what to do or how to change it. After all, Louisa followed their mother's words religiously and ignored words of advice from her.

"I see." Luella's voice sounded so monotone and was with no acknowledgement. "Well then, I am very grateful for your concern. But I regret to inform you, it is of no concern for you, as you are neither my fiancé nor a family member or a close relative."

"Therefore, mind your business," She sharply concluded with a piercing glare in her eyes. 

Lord Nigel chewed on his lips and stood his ground. Though intimidated by the lady in front of him, his misogynistic behavior prevented him from openly showing it.

Luella gave a last courtesy to him out of respect as she turned around to leave his presence. The man had completely soiled her mood, and now she wanted to leave, not just his presence, but the entire banquet.

She has done what she wanted to do at the banquet, so she had no reason to linger around anymore. All she was waiting for was her fiancé and sister Louisa.

Lord Nigel performed a rude act by pulling her back by the arm. Luella, who had acted all nonchalant and emotionless, looked vividly surprised at him.

"What is this rude behavior, Ser?" She questioned, her voice not hiding her annoyance and utter disgust for the man before her.

Lord Nigel looked shocked at his own sudden action, as if something had suddenly possessed his body, and now he had no control over it.

Seeing her annoyed look, he began racking his brain for an excuse for why he had tugged on her arm.

"Please, Ser, Let go of my arm. I am an engaged woman and I do not want unwarranted rumors circulating about me," She warned again, this time taking a chance to aggressively pull at it.

"I am searching for your sister, Lady Louisa. Do you know where she might be?" He suddenly asked.

She furrowed her brows as she looked at him with shocked audacity. 

The nerve of this man.

But she said nothing as she nodded and replied to him, "If it is my sister you need, I will go search for her. I came with her, so she should still be around here somewhere".

Lord Nigel released a sigh of relief as she immediately turned her back to him and left.

Was she really the rumored wallflower that people usually gossip about? She was so heavily endowed with pride and arrogance that it even intimidated him.

"Intimidated me?" He asked himself, as his index finger was pointed to his chest.

"That magic less noble woman intimidated me with just her presence? Impossible, completely unthinkable." His anger rose as the wines and several liquid presents in the banquet began overflowing, causing shrieks and panics from the guests.

"I see you have such little patience for women that you can't seem to control your anger," A voice suddenly spoke out behind him. 

The wave and aura that flowed into Lord Nigel immediately made him shudder. 

'Who is behind me?' He wondered as he felt sweat drop on his back. 'Some strong noble family?'

The anger and irritation that he felt towards Luella suddenly vanish at the words of the voice.

"Who are you?" Lord Nigel asked.