Chapter 3- Searching for Sister.


"Hell has no fury like a soul betrayed." ~Araneae Ruber


LUELLA STOOD in the hallway, the groans, and moans of voices drawing from the slightly ajar door. Being nosy as any noble lady, she peered inside.

Through the flickering candlelight, she saw Louisa's hands slide possessively along Chandler's jaw, their bodies tangled intimately. 

Chandler's hands gripped Louisa's lower bum as they continued to make out passionately. The way Chandler's hands held Louisa's body, one would think he was holding a tender baby egg.

Luella's eyes furrowed as the scene before her was clearly one of her soon-to-be husband cheating on her with her sister. Surely she should be pissed? But, no, her facial expression remained impassive. 

Her lips pressed into a thin, almost invincible line, more in contemplation than in shock. Her eyes lingered for a moment as the two cheaters actions intensified.

Tilting her head slightly to the side, she watched Louisa whisper something to Chandler, which‌ had caused a satisfied pleasure moan from his lips. And with rapid movement, he flipped her over and hovered above her as they continued.

Luella took in a slow, deliberate breath, her chest rising and falling evenly. 

After a few moments of watching the scene, Luella stepped back from the door like it was contaminated with a disease. She turned away; her steps light and unhurried, leaving the scene behind her without a single word.

Luella should be bothered, but she was not.

She should be angry, but she was not

She should feel betrayed and hurt by the one person she cared for the most… but she was not.

But she was utterly relieved. Happy even.

And most especially, she was disgusted.

This seemed to be a concurrent feeling she had being having since she finished talking with Ser. Julius. It was as if the party was riddled with disgusting people.

She was betrayed by the one person she actually cared about. Her sister. 


Luella knew Louisa wasn't particularly fond of her, but she didn't think she would outrightly steal her fiancé from her.

Well, it wasn't as though she cared for the man Chandler. He was just a figurehead man that her family, AKA her sister, had paired her with.

However her reason, for marrying her to Chandler Havemeyer was to be patriotic to the dukedom. Luella agreed, just so she could keep the peace. 

But went behind her mother's back to do a background check on Chandler and the general Havemeyer family. And it turns out that they were a fallen noble family. 

The Havemeyer had lost the bloodline powers four generations ago. And they would have completely gone extinct and become a commoner if it wasn't for Havemeyer's current head. Wize Havemeyer, Chandler's uncle.

Her guess after she got the information was Chandler was looking for a way to make a name for himself and guessed the next best thing was to take from a prominent but soon to fall noble house. 

And the Van-Rensselaer dukedom was the perfect prey for him. She laughed at the information, as she knew she wasn't getting married to him. 

Luella was already steadily planning his demise. But for it to fall on her lap like a golden platter was admirable of him.


Nevertheless, she was still hurt by her sister's betrayal. 

Luella didn't know if she should go about her plan and use this escapade to destroy Chandler. But if she did that, then she was sure it would greatly affect her sister.

'Is Louisa in love with him?' She wondered as she tapped her chin. 

Lost in her thoughts and debate, she bumped into someone. This minor accident caused her to lose her balance.

But she was swiftly caught before she could land on the floor. Luella's heart raced at the thought of her almost hurting herself. 

She gripped steadily at the person's sleeve as she released a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, kind Ser," She appreciated once he had placed her steadily back to her feet.

The cloaked man.

He had caught her fall. She blinked as she stared at the hooded figure. 

Now she was on alert. Her lips fell open, ready to let out a scream and to demand for his identity. But he stepped back from her, giving her, her space.

"I am not anyone suspicious"

"Says the one with a black hooded cloak and face mask!" She yelled, not hiding her suspicion.

The man sighed as he stepped back again. He placed his hands over his head in surrender.

"I truly mean no harm." He said again, his deep, low voice laced with tenderness.

This caused her skin to tighten at the strange comfort and familiarity she was getting from him.

"Who are you?" She asked this time, her voice matching his low tone. 


Her brows furrowed with annoyance and growing irritation. It is a thing. Everyone in this damned banquet was sent to irritate her for some idiotic reason.

"Take off the mask and hood"

"I would at first thinking, but I am disappointed that you don't remember me"

Confusion tinted her iris, as she tilted her head to the side. "Remember, you?" She asked, "Do I know you?"

"You should… But sadly, you don't".

With a clenched fist, she bit her lip so hard that it drew blood. And with that same swift movement, the cloaked man was in her front before she could think about reacting. 

"Don't hurt yourself because of me," He uttered calmly. Yet again, that deep, low, and sweet voice that sent comforting shivers down her spine made her shudder.

She slapped the fingers that wiped her blood from her lips. With anger and flustered cheeks, she glared at the hooded man. "Don't touch me!"

His hands fell to his side as she watched her reddened face. Why? Why? Why? 

Just why was she reacting like this to a man she doesn't know? Hell, she hasn't even seen his face, but here she was getting flustered, having her heart race over little things he did or said.

The man chuckled at her expected reaction, "I see you still hate when people touch you without asking," He said. Though she couldn't see him, she knew he had a smile playing on his face.

"Isn't that common etiquette?" She answered, indulging him in a conversation. "And besides the fact you knew but still did it anyway shows for you lacking of home training and moral conduct"

"Ah! I see. Still up tight as usual. I am glad some things never change". 

She threw him a glare, but found herself smiling… a little… just a little.

"And besides, I do not lack home training and moral conduct. You gave me unlimited pass… or do I say permission to touch and hold you as I please. I just thought it was still valid," He said, tucking his arm into his pocket as he leaned back on his sole.

Luella's face flared up with embarrassment. She had never in her two decades but one life giving anyone permission to touch her without asking. 

But now he claims she gave him un-un-limi-limit… She could not even think the word right!!

What in tarnation is going on here! And who is this man that seems so confident of her and her personality!

She wanted to scream, pull his hair, pull her hair and just curse at the entire night for being the way it was.

Meanwhile, the cloaked man smiled behind his mask. It was very easy for him to distract her.

"At the very least, she is distracted. Even though it is for a little while".

'I miss you'