Chapter 9- Comfort in the Stranger


"They thought they won; now I'll show them defeat." ~Araneae Ruber


LUELLA'S EYES widen at his statement. "I can really take it off?" She asked again, wanting to be sure she heard right.

"Yes. You see, I really want to marry you, so if this is the price, I would pay for that. Then take it off".

She stared at him for a while. 'This man is actually serious about wanting to marry me. What have I done to deserve such utter need and desire from him?' 

Luella pulled away from the warmth and comfort he fed her. She stood up and turned her back to him. 

Heading to the garden bench where she had originally wanted to seat with him and talk, she folded her arms around herself as she thought about the night.

Was it a coincidence that she met him soon after she saw her fiancé committing an adulterous act with her twin sister before her eyes. She was surely going to annul the marriage, as she couldn't mentally picture herself spending the rest of her life chained up to a man like that. 

She was already tied to the dukedom by the law of duty. Now would she have to bind herself to an unfaithful and disgusting man like him?

Chandler didn't even have anything to offer her in the marriage. No wealth, title, or status to his name. She was sure that the dowry she would pay to him would be what can revive his family for a period.

Her bride price would most definitely be mediocre at the very best.

She sighed as she realized her life was slowly getting worthless as the days passed. And it was all because she was giving everything and anything to her family. 

Luella couldn't remember when last she had gone overseas for vacation with her friends.


She let out a mocking snort… friends that either turned their back away from her or she didn't have time for them, so they stopped inviting her out. And one she completely cut off… Just because.

The cloaked man sat by for some time as he watched her fight with her thoughts. He groaned as he cursed at himself. 

'Of course she would be conflicted. After all, she just saw the man she loves in bed with her very own sister. And now I am dumping another marriage proposal on her. I would be lucky if she didn't hit me across the face or throw something at me.' He, too, was conflicted. He didn't want to give her to another man. She was rightfully his. 

'And besides, why did she move on so fast? Was ten years too long for her to wait for me? I promised I was going to come back, and it took ten years for her to completely forget me'.

His voice.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became because he really did everything he could to come back to her. 

She not only didn't wait for him like promised, she forgot about him and went to marry someone else.

And then she ended up with someone else, who turned out to be a fucking cunt. He wondered if this was karma working in favor of him. 

After all, it was clear that it was only him that kept his side of the promise between them.

Mr. Stranger shook his head as he redacted his thought process. 'I shouldn't be rejoicing at my lover's pain and sadness. But then it still hurt to know the woman you waited for doesn't remember you'.

He let out a sigh as he pulled himself from the floor and walked towards her. He came up behind her and touched her shoulders.

She flinched when she felt a soft hand on her shoulders, in contracts to the chilly wind that blew by. 

"Did my question disgust you?" He asked, his voice sounding really hurt and broken. Ah! She caused this. She caused him to sound that way. Which was because she had never had someone who desperately wanted her like this man before. 

She had seen a few noble couples that actually married for love and not because it was made for the family's gain and profit. There were only a handful of couples that were fortunate to marry the partner they wanted. Luella would have being fortunate, if and only if Ozed hadn't died in the war.

"No. That is not it." She stood up and whipped around to face him. "It-it is just that I am confused"

"Confused? Why?"

She looked away from him as she breathed out. She sat back on the bench and tapped the space beside her, inviting him to seat with her.

"I am confused and also tired"


"Yes… Tired. I am exhausted."

"Hmm… It is probably because of the stress of the previous days and today. Have you tried sleeping? Not resting. I mean sleeping?"

Luella bit her lip as she said nothing for a while, "If I were to sleep. I would want to sleep for a very long time."

Mr. Stranger furrowed his brows as he listened carefully to her words. Feeling the weight of the nightfall on her shoulders. 

She slumped herself to his body. She leaned completely on the right side of his body. Not acting lady like, she proceeded to lift her legs and fold it underneath her dress.

Luella was sure that if a soldier came around the garden and saw her in this compromising position with a complete stranger, the entire noble circle would fly into chaos. 

But for now she didn't care, and it seemed Mr. Stranger didn't care either, as he threw his cloak over her shoulders, shielding her from the chilly wind.


His continuous acts reminded her of Ozed. Luella's heart broke as he remembered her dearest friend. 

"I am tired of this imposed punishment. It isn't my fault that I wasn't born with the family's magic power, so why am I being punished for it".

"I have to overlook everything, endure everything. I even have to get my hands stained with the blood of others, but I am still not appreciated."

"Why is that, Mr. Stranger?" she asked.

Even with this overwhelming pain that burned in her chest, she couldn't bring herself to cry. 

"I have done everything I can humanly do. I have read all politics and business books, I have read different strategies books. I have created and given so many business plans and ideas for the improvement and growth of the dukedom and empire. But why is it not enough?"

"Anything I eat at home, I worry if that would be my last meal as nobody is in support of me… From my mother to the lowest cleaner."

"Without me, mother and sister wouldn't have the fancy dresses and jewelries they wear. Without me, the workers won't even be able to have their annual bonuses, but yet, I am being treated like a damned criminal." 

"I would literally pass out in my office from overwork and exhaustion. I would have blood pooling from my ears, nose, and eyes. But instead of waking up to pills and medication, I would see more piles of document for me."

"And now, my fiancé is cheating on me with the one person I do everything for. I am such an idiot," She sighed, closing her eyes. She let herself drift with the sound of Mr. Stranger's heart beat. 

"Even with all this pain and anguish, I can not even cry it out." She lifted her head to look at him. 

"You know it took me by surprise when I cried from just a hug," She chuckled, looking back down to Mr. Stranger's boots.

'When last was I even hugged? Mom hates me and Dad was all about work and keeping the family's integrity' She thought. But then it hit her. 'The last time I got a hug was when Ozed hugged me before leaving for war.' 

Luella suddenly began laughing hysterically, shocking Mr. Stranger. Her laughter grew in volume as it alerted the soldiers close to them. 

Jumping to her feet, she looked up at the sky for a moment. The moon was beautiful and shining in all its glory. 

Tonight is a full moon. 

A full, beautiful silver of moon.

Before looking back over her shoulders with a warm and beautiful smile. Her eyes closed in a happy and contented look. 

"As I thought, I really want to sleep… I want to sleep for a long period".