Chapter 37- Lover of Louisa

Chapter 37- Lover of Louisa

Editing in progress

"They wrote about my demise; I'll rewrite their destiny. And for every tear I shed, a family shall fall." ~Araneae Ruber.


LUELLA PACED around her room as she gritted her teeth, while Tiecia searched for another set of funeral dress to wear. 

'The lady really needs a more presentable dress. They all look stale or worn out. I can't even remember when I last called the seamstress for the lady.' Tiecia sighed to herself as she swiped and swiped through her clothes, but still found nothing presentable that suited her. 

She looked down, noticing a box at the edge, her brows furrowed as she wondered what it. Pulling one lid open, she noticed it was scents and bath kit.