The Awakening (2)

When Klaus opened his eyes, he found himself in a place that was unlike anything he had ever seen before. He was floating in a vast space that resembled the cosmos, with stars twinkling all around him. The stars weren't just distant points of light; some were close, glowing with vibrant colors, pulsing with life. Others seemed to be swirling in strange patterns, creating beautiful but mysterious shapes.

As Klaus floated there, he saw strange things forming and dissolving around him—planets being born and then crumbling into dust, galaxies spinning in perfect harmony, and waves of energy that seemed to dance through the void, leaving trails of light in their wake. It was both awe-inspiring and overwhelming, and Klaus couldn't help but wonder where he was and what this place could be.

He reached out, trying to grasp one of the stars, but his hand passed right through it as if it wasn't really there. Yet, it felt real—more real than anything he had ever known. He watched as new things continued to form—worlds, creatures, elements, and forces he couldn't even name. It was as if he was in a place where the very fabric of reality was being woven and unwoven, right before his eyes.

Just as Klaus was starting to feel like he could get lost in this cosmic wonder forever, something began to pull at him. It was as if an unseen force had taken hold of him, drawing him away from the cosmic space and into something new.

In an instant, the starry cosmos faded, and Klaus found himself in a new place. This place was like a vast, endless sea, but it wasn't made of water. Instead, it was a sea of different elements, each one distinct and vibrant. There were waves of fire, swirling clouds of ice, currents of wind, streams of light, shadows moving like liquid, and even rivers of molten earth flowing in every direction.

Klaus floated above this elemental sea, marveling at the sheer power and beauty of it all. The elements were alive, constantly shifting and changing, creating a mesmerizing dance of energy and color. It was like nothing he had ever imagined.

As he gazed out over the sea, Klaus noticed something even more astonishing. Rising from the surface of the elemental sea were Nine massive, beautiful doors. Each door was unique, crafted from the very elements themselves. The first door was made of pure lightning, crackling with raw energy. The second door was forged from roaring flames, its surface flickering and shifting like a living fire. The third door was a towering wall of ice, shimmering with a cold, ethereal light.

The fourth door was formed from flowing water, its surface rippling as if it were made of liquid crystal. The fifth door was carved from solid earth, strong and unyielding, with patterns of rock and stone etched into its surface. The sixth door was a swirling vortex of shadows, dark and mysterious, yet strangely inviting.

The seventh door was made of wind, a translucent gate that seemed to hum with the sound of a thousand breezes. The eighth door was a radiant portal of light, shining with a brilliance that was almost blinding, yet warm and welcoming. But unlike the other doors, the nine is made of all the 8 elements. It has multicolored layers of elements each shining with its brilliances.

Klaus stared at the doors, each one representing a different element, each one calling to him differently. He felt a mixture of awe and curiosity, wondering what lay beyond each of them.

"What is this place…?" he whispered to himself, his voice echoing in the vastness of the elemental sea. The doors seemed to pulse in response as if acknowledging his presence.

As he continued to float in that space, Klaus couldn't help but wonder about a lot of things. "From what I know, once you awaken, you will open your soul sea, and a screen will appear showing you your stats. So does this mean this is my soul sea" Klaus pondered looking at the doors and the various elements filling that place.

"This is vast. But why am I here?" Klaus muttered, feeling frustration bubbling up inside him. The more he looked around, the more lost he felt. But just as he was about to lose his temper, a voice spoke from the direction of the first door.

"Your patience seems to be lacking. Ah, why am I even bothered?" The voice was strange yet familiar. It sounded like his own voice, just a little older, more mature.

"Who's there?" Klaus demanded, trying to spot the source.

"Right now isn't the time to know that," the voice responded calmly. "You've just awakened, and this is your soul sea. What you should be focused on is understanding what all of this means."

Klaus frowned but then smirked, a thought crossing his mind. "If I don't ask, would you tell me anyway?"

The voice chuckled, the sound echoing across the elemental sea. "That's a good one. Yes, I'll tell you anyway. You've awakened as a Celestial Elemental Overlord. This means you can control all eight of the primal elements of nature"

Klaus's eyes widened in shock. "All eight? That's… that's unheard of!" He had heard about awakenings before, from lectures he managed to overhear. When people awakened, they typically gained control over one element, along with skills and techniques depending on the grade of their talent.

From what Klaus knew, talents were categorized into grades: Common, Rare, Epic, Earth, Heaven, and Legendary. These grades were based on the element someone awakened to, and while there were more than eight elements, these were considered the main ones, the primal forces from which all the others derived.

The last time he heard about a genius awakening in Ross City, it was Anna Ross, who awakened as a Heaven-grade Ice Mage. She had been praised as a genius among geniuses, someone destined for greatness. Klaus couldn't help but compare his situation to hers.

However, now hearing that he had awakened as a Celestial Elemental Overlord, with control over all eight primal elements, he became overwhelmed with different emotions. It didn't make sense to him. If a Heaven-grade Ice Mage was considered a genius, what did it mean for him who have awakened all eight elements?.

"Indeed, it is rare, but you've been granted this gift," the voice continued. "But that isn't the most important thing. Aren't you going to ask about your class?"

"Do tell," Klaus replied, still in shock but trying to stay composed.

"Hehe, I don't know if you've heard, but you've awakened an unheard class called Weapons Overlord. Little fella, you are indeed lucky," the voice said with a hint of amusement.

For some reason, instead of feeling shocked, Klaus felt a strange sense of familiarity, as if he had expected to gain that class from the beginning. "What does it mean?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"It's in the name," the voice explained. "It means you have the ability to use all kinds of weapons. Your talent and class allow you to wield all eight elements and utilize any weapon you can imagine."

Klaus's eyes widened slightly, his mind racing with the possibilities. "That sounds amazing. But can I know about the grade of this class?"

The voice paused for a moment, then responded, "The grade of your class is not something commonly known, but given your status as a Celestial Elemental Overlord, your class is likely to be of an extraordinary caliber—beyond even the Celestial grade. You are positioned at the pinnacle of power."

Klaus was more than shocked. He had heard of the genius Anna Ross, who was celebrated for awakening a Heaven-grade talent and class. Yet here he was—a nobody—awakening a talent and class that defied all common sense. Was this some kind of cosmic joke? Was the universe playing games with him?

"Go back," the voice said suddenly. "Your time here is limited since your soul strength is not that strong just yet. The next time we meet, you can ask further questions. Remember, the Last Reincarnation is what determines the end. Get stronger and trample on your enemies without mercy as a Paragon should."

Before Klaus could even think of asking any more questions, his vision began to darken. The cosmic space, the elemental sea, and the doors all faded away, leaving him enveloped in darkness.

He then jolted awake in the makeshift building behind his house. He was sitting on the floor, drenched in sweat, as if he had been poured over with water. His breathing was heavy, and his heart pounded in his chest.

Klaus looked around, trying to reorient himself. The room was still the same as before, but everything felt different now. He could sense the air differently. Breathing it made him become stronger.

"Was that real?" He asked, but before he could wonder further, a window opened before his vision.

Name: Klaus Hanson

Age: 16

Talent: Celestial Elemental Overlord

Class: Weapons Overlord

Bloodline: Dormant

Physique: Nine Reincarnation Divine Body

Realm: Awakened - Lvl: 1/12

Strength: 20 | Agility: 30 |Stamina: 50 |Defense: 60 | Intelligence: 100| Health: 1000

Spiritual Qi: 2000

Stat Points: 0

Awakened Skills: Passive

[Universal Enigma]

— As you level up, so does your mind. Anything there is to know, you'll come to understand. You can speak and understand all languages, no matter how ancient or obscure.

[Overlord Healing]

— As long as you have Spiritual Qi flowing through you, even the gravest injuries can be mended. A damaged heart? No problem—it'll heal just like any other wound.


— Your unique physique grants you the ability to detect all forms of threats and emotions, no matter who—or what—you're dealing with. No realm is beyond your awareness.

Awakened Skills: Active

[Moon Slash]

— By tapping into your connection with the elements, you can imbue your weapons with elemental essence and unleash a powerful crescent-shaped arc. This Moon Slash will cut through anything in its path.

[Special Remark: Due to your extraordinary physique, it will take 12 levels to reach the next stage, and you'll need 6 times the effort to level up.]

"YES!" Klaus shouted, jumping up in delight as the screen in front of him flashed with the words he had been longing to see.

"Is everything alright?" His mother's voice filled with concern entered his mind as she rushed into the room, clearly startled by his outburst.

Klaus turned to her, his heart racing, and tears welling up in his eyes. "Mom, I did it! Your son has awakened! I'm a warrior now!" His voice cracked as he lunged forward, wrapping his arms around her tightly.