Nia and Asha

The voice was calm and enchanting, like a thousand birds harmonizing in perfect unison. Klaus, slightly exhausted from the battle with the Zombie Captains and General, was immediately drawn to the sound.

Turning around, he saw two women whose beauty could topple the heavens and shatter the earth with just a smile. Klaus had always considered his mother the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but the sight of these two made him raise an eyebrow in awe.

Asha, though slightly less striking than the Nia, still possessed an allure that made her stand out. Her long black hair cascaded down her waist like a flowing waterfall, smooth and glossy. Her high cheekbones and finely sculpted jawline framed her face perfectly, giving her an air of elegance. Her ocean-blue eyes held a depth that could pull anyone in, and her lips were so captivating that any man would find them hard to resist.

Her slender legs moved with a grace that drew attention, while her curvy hips swayed with every step, commanding praise. But what truly caught Klaus's eye was her chest area, which was undeniably impressive. Her pale, jade-like skin seemed to glow softly, illuminating her presence and adding to her enchanting beauty.

Nia, walking beside Asha, is even more stunning. She has long, blonde hair that cascades down her back like a river of moonlight. Her skin is flawless, with a soft, golden glow that seems to shine from within her very soul. Her eyes are a deep, vibrant green as if they were carved from the purest emeralds. They sparkle with a light that can captivate anyone who looks into them.

Her lips are full and rosy, with a natural curve that makes her smile enchanting. Every step she takes is graceful, and her slender legs move with elegance. 

Klaus, who hadn't seen many beauties in his life, was particularly captivated by these two. However. just as he found himself getting drawn into their allure, a burning sensation on his back snapped him back to reality.

"This little brother is Klaus. May I know who these lovely fairies are?" Klaus asked, using the question as an excuse to shake off the charm that the two women possessed. Even Anna and the others, standing not far away, had been entranced by the two women. It was only after Klaus spoke that they also snapped back to their senses.

"Hehe, no need to be so courteous. I am Nia, and this is my little sister, Asha," Nia said with a warm smile.

"Pleasure to meet you both, fairies. The heavens must truly be looking favorably upon me, sending two immortal fairies to wash away my stress after such a hectic battle," Klaus replied with a calm, innocent gaze.

Anna and the rest were stunned by his remark. Nia and Asha exchanged amused glances before bursting into resounding laughter.

"You're interesting. For a moment, I almost thought you were a death god. Who would've guessed you have such a cute side?" Asha said, She suddenly moved with unnatural speed and appeared right in front of Klaus. Klaus was startled but didn't show it. Instead, he stood there with a subtle smile on his lips.

"Little brother Klaus, what's happening to your hair?" Asha suddenly asked. Klaus who expected a rather mischievous behavior from the you lady was rather taken aback by her question.

"What do you mean?" Klaus asked, puzzled. In response, Asha took out a small mirror and handed it to him. When Klaus looked at his reflection, he gasped. Half of his hair had turned white, and he could see more strands gradually losing their color visibly.

"When did this happen?" Klaus wondered aloud. He was certain that when he had left home a day ago, his hair had been completely black. If there had been any white hairs, his mother would have mentioned it. The fact that she hadn't said anything meant that this change had only started after he entered the forest.

"No need to be startled; this isn't a bad thing. If I'm not wrong, this might be a result of you undergoing some form of change. You're close to ascending, which means you'll undergo your first evolution. It seems your hair has already started changing as part of that process," Nia explained.

"Evolution?" Klaus arched an eyebrow, puzzled. In all the lectures he'd been fortunate enough to overhear, he had never encountered the concept of evolution. This was the first time he had heard about it. Seeing his confusion, Nia smiled and began to explain.

"When the spiritual energy descended, it awakened dormant genes within us that carry what experts call the Mutation effect. From what we know, humans and animals have always had the potential to evolve, but we never had the push or the right environment to take that final step.

However, when the energy descended, those mutated genes awakened, triggering changes in all humans and animals. As those genes activate, the human body must adapt. At first, this wasn't noticed, but as people began ascending to higher levels, it became clear that, aside from gaining superhuman abilities and strength, other changes also began to take effect.

Your eyesight, hearing, sense of smell, and even your ability to sense your surroundings will start to change. But that's not all—changes in physical appearance, such as increased handsomeness or beauty, also start to manifest. The higher you rise in ranks, the more pronounced these changes become. So, the fact that your hair is changing color means you are evolving.

It's just that this evolution is happening rather suddenly and is unheard of at your current stage. You haven't ascended yet, but at this rate, when you do, you'll become even more handsome. Hehe, I've never seen a white-haired youth before; this will be my first time," Nia finished with a light, enchanting laugh, her tone carefree and amused.

"When you put it that way, then I guess there's nothing to worry about. I was just taken aback for a second," Klaus sighed, visibly relieved that nothing bad was happening to him.

"May I know where these two Fairy sisters are from?" Klaus asked, curious about the origins of these two mysterious women. They seemed friendly enough, and he figured it wouldn't hurt to learn more about them.

"Well, we're not from around here. We just entered this forest to gain some experience, and we happened to witness your battle," Asha was quick to reply. Her tone carried a hint of pride as if she wanted to show her older sister that she wasn't as inexperienced as she might seem. In truth, these two were wandering the earth, searching for their own paths in a world turned upside down by the apocalypse.

In this new world, the more years spent cultivating, the more experience humans continued to gain. Younger warriors like Asha and Nia were encouraged not to confine themselves but to spread their wings, seek out different perspectives, and find their own ways before advancing in their cultivation.

Hearing their response, Klaus nodded thoughtfully. It made sense to him. Everyone had their own path to walk. He knew these two could have intervened earlier, perhaps saving more people during the initial stages of the battle, but he also understood that doing so might have unforeseen consequences.

"And what about you?" Asha asked, her eyes bright with curiosity. She seemed eager to learn more about him, maybe even searching for a clue to something deeper.

"Ross City," Klaus answered with a smile. Anna, who was standing a few meters away, was surprised by his response. She immediately recalled Klaus telling her they were closer than she thought when he saved her from Matin Guan just a few days ago.

Mark and the others standing beside Anna exchanged glances, their eyes settling on her shocked expression. It was clear she hadn't known this about Klaus.

"Good to know," Asha replied with a smile, quickly shifting the conversation. "About the Zombie stones—do you happen to want to sell them? We really need them," she added, her voice taking on a playful tone as she pouted slightly.

Klaus immediately sensed that Asha was trying to charm him, but there was something about her cute face that made it hard for him to resist. He couldn't help but smile, even though he knew she was up to something.

"I don't mind selling them, but I'm not sure about the market price. I've already discussed with someone about bringing in a stock soon, so it might be a bit tricky for me to sell them right now," Klaus explained, trying to balance honesty with caution.

"It's fine," Nia said as she stepped forward with a gentle smile. "We know the market price, and you don't have to worry—we won't cheat you or anything."

"Then I'll have to trust you," Klaus said, smiling as he retrieved the Zombie stones from his pack. He placed six stones in front of them: one medium-grade stone from a Tier 3 Zombie Captain, four high-grade stones from Tier 3 Zombies, and one high-grade stone from a Tier 4 Zombie general.

The moment the stones appeared, Asha's eyes lit up with excitement. "Can Brother Klaus add some of the White Zombie stones? We will buy them for ten times the market price. No, twenty times the market price," Nia quickly added, her gaze intense as she looked at the stones.

Klaus was taken aback by their eagerness. But then, a voice that sounded like his own echoed in his mind, 'This is your chance to buy a house Klaus, don't let some pretty face charm you.' A small smile formed on his lips as he reached for his space ring. In an instant, 300 frozen heads materialized before him.

"Ladies, let's talk business," Klaus muttered, snapping his fingers. The heads shattered, revealing small, beautiful White stones with intricate marks on them.

The sight of the White Zombie stones caused both Asha and Nia to gasp in awe. Klaus could see the desire in their eyes, and he knew he had the upper hand.