Sword Aura True Awakening

He turned just in time to see two more Zombie Generals charging at him, their clubs raised high. Klaus sidestepped the first, but the second managed to graze his shoulder. The impact sent him spinning, his feet skidding across the ground.

"Damn it," Klaus muttered, feeling the sharp sting of the hit. Although he still has some stamina and his bones are bracing for the impacts, the pain can never be ignored. He couldn't stop, or more like he didn't want to stop. He wanted to test his limit and for one, he got exactly what he craved. He has already taken down one General, however, the remaining six are even more terrifying now.

Taking down one made them gain more room to coordinate their attacks. They now backed each other up, following up each other's attack. It's like they know each other's rhythm. These zombies are more lethal and intelligent than the Tier 4 and below.