Like a Lightning Goddess With a Bow

Lightning streaked across the battlefield like a meteor shower, lighting up the sky in brilliant flashes. The monster that had dared to approach barely made it within 3km of the young woman holding the lightning-streaked bow firing lighting shot after shot.

Hanna stood her ground, calmly firing one lightning arrow after another. She didn't bother with any fancy techniques or flashy moves. It was as if she didn't have any special skills at all, aside from morphing her lightning into arrows. And in truth, she didn't. She was one of the many who had awakened without any active skills.

Her only strength was her lightning element, and that alone made her stand out despite her lack of active skills. It gave her a raw, unshakable power that put her a step above the average awakened. She had no fancy combat moves or special abilities. All she could do was shoot her bow, transforming her lightning into deadly arrows.