There is Something Different About These Two [Bonus]

Klaus waved back and made his way over to his friends. As he got closer, he noticed the same smile he saw on Anna's face still tugging her lips as they made eye contact. Klaus knew something was not right. Considering the talk they had the night before, she is supposed to be solemn, but with this new look, he just doesn't get it.

"Congratulations, big sister. You did well," Klaus said proudly. Hanna had ranked fourth, a surprising achievement that amazed many around them. No one had expected her to rise so high. 

In the City Selection Trial, she had only placed 195th out of the 200 selected. But now, with 12 cities and over 12,000 young warriors, Hanna had fought her way to the top four. It was nothing short of shocking.

"Thanks, little bro," Hanna replied, her smile beaming with pride. "Mom's going to be over the moon when she hears what I placed."

Klaus rolled his eyes playfully. "Just don't let her spoil you rotten."