
Fruity immediately froze when the voice spoke. For some unexplainable reason, the voice seemed to have a hold on him, like something he should remember, yet somehow, he didn't. This made him freeze up.

It wasn't out of fear or terror. It was more like he should have been able to recognize that voice, but he couldn't, and this brought a sense of pain to him. The kind one would feel from watching the face of the one they love but couldn't feel anything.

The voice spoke from behind him—no killing intent or any form of energy could be sensed, meaning the voice meant him no harm.

However, he just couldn't muster the effort to turn and face the feminine voice that had spoken to him.

"Master, you haven't forgotten about me, have you?" the voice spoke again, this time softer than before. She had even changed his title from "My lord" to "Master," which further made Fruity believe he was in for a ride through his past self's memories.