Malphas, Devastating Gaunlet Demon

Malphas looked massive, intimidating, and dangerous. In fact, the sight of the demon standing 200 meters away left a bad taste in Klaus's mouth. Yet, a smug smile remained on his face.


Because his mind was calculating countless possibilities on how to go about killing the demon, and each scenario struck him as absurdly funny. They all involved him getting turned into a splat. 

It didn't sound funny, but it looked funny, and so Klaus made a decision: he would see just what his newly enhanced mind was capable of. 

"Mr. Malphas, although I'll be killing you no matter what, why don't I use you to test something first?" 

The moment Klaus spoke, he unleashed a mind attack that forced Malphas to take a step back and close his eyes for 0.001 seconds. 

But that fraction of a moment was enough. When Malphas reopened his eyes, he saw fourteen Klaus figures, each standing 4 meters tall and wearing gauntlets.