30 - Goals

Tsukada, Wushia High School's #10, advanced like an arrow from a bow, with an open space in front of him, unnoticed by Itou High School's defenders, who were focused on Tsuyoshi Nishida. It was an opportunity that could change the course of the match, something Lucas couldn't ignore.

Lucas subtly changed the angle of his body, disguising the intended pass that any spectator or opposing player would expect.

The defenders, already prepared to block the pass intended for Nishida, were caught off guard when the ball passed behind them.

The pass didn't go to Nishida, but to Tsukada, who was perfectly positioned to receive the ball behind the defense.

The sound of the crowd, which had seemed distant before, returned to Lucas' ears with the force of a wave breaking violently on the beach.

The pass glided across the field with almost surgical precision, cutting like a razor.

Tsukada, seeing that the pass was for him, could already feel the sensation of the net rattling as he hit the goal. His heart was racing, but it was a familiar rhythm, the rhythm of someone who was used to being the hero wherever he went.

Tsukada reached for the ball and adjusted his body for the shot. He kicked with his right foot, with all the power and technique he possessed.

The ball flew in a precise curve toward the upper right corner of the goal. But then something inexplicable happened. The ball, seemingly destined for the back of the net, began to lose momentum at the last moment.

Tsukada saw the perfect curve begin to deviate slightly, as if a treacherous wind had altered its trajectory. He watched in horror as the ball struck the crossbar, reverberating like a thunderclap around the stadium before bouncing out of reach of any player on the field.

Lucas couldn't believe what had just happened.

Tsukada felt his legs fail him, and in an almost involuntary movement, he fell to his knees on the field. His mind was unable to process the reality of the mistake he had just made.

The muffled sound of the crowd was in murmurs of disbelief and disappointment.

Lucas remained static. His feet seemed to be planted on the pitch as his mind tried to process the catastrophic mistake.

'He missed... At the most crucial moment of the game, he failed to do what everyone expected of him...' Lucas thought as he stared at Tsukada on the ground in disbelief.

The wind blew gently across the field, bringing a cold breeze that only added to the weight of this moment.

Tsukada felt small, diminished by the magnitude of his failure.

Lucas walked over to Tsukada, who remained motionless, his eyes fixed on the ground. As Lucas approached, he extended his hand, a simple gesture.

Tsukada lifted his head and looked into Lucas' eyes.

Lucas showed no anger or frustration. The shock was still in his face, but there was something else in his eyes - something Tsukada hadn't expected. There was understanding, empathy. Lucas knew the weight Tsukada carried as number 10, because that was the number he wanted to wear one day.

Tsukada hesitated for a moment, still ashamed of his mistake. But then, seeing the expression on Lucas' face - a mixture of weariness, acceptance and, above all, solidarity - he finally accepted the outstretched hand.

With a deep sigh, Tsukada took Lucas' hand and pulled him back up.

"I... I'm sorry. I should have kicked you. I teased you at first, and when you really trusted me... I failed."

Lucas shook his head negatively, a small, tired smile appearing on his lips. "Don't worry, Tsukada. The game isn't over yet."

[Wushia High School 1-1 Itou High School].


The clock was ticking down relentlessly, and the tie seemed to be more of a defeat than a victory for Wushia High School.

Before the final play, which began with a steal of the ball, High School Itou were the ones in control. So when High School Itou's goalkeeper took the penalty kick, it wasn't expected that the dynamic on the pitch would change much.

With a powerful shot, the goalkeeper sent the ball into the middle of the field, where players from both teams engaged in a fierce battle in the air. The ball was headed away by a High School Itou player and landed at the feet of one of their midfielders.

Itou High School's pressure on Wushia High School, which had already dominated much of the game, intensified.

The Wushia players, aware of the technical superiority of their opponents, quickly backed off to try to stop the advance. The defense was organized, but exhaustion was already beginning to take its toll on many of their legs.

Lucas' eyes were fixed on the opposing player, who was advancing with the ball, looking for a gap in Wushia's defensive wall.

The Itou High School player looked around, looking for a way to pass. He saw his most advanced attacker, Yamato, running toward the penalty area. With an agile and unexpected move, he passed the ball perfectly, finding Yamato in a dangerous position. Wushia's defense was taken by surprise, and the screams of the Itou fans echoed like the roar of a predator about to pounce.

But before Yamato could finish his shot, the Wushia High School defense closed in on him.

Kuwabara, Wushia High School's right back, managed to intercept the pass, causing the ball to bounce toward midfield and land at Kenji's feet. He lifted his head to look for an open teammate. He spotted Tsuyoshi Nishida, who, despite the intense play and constant pressure, still seemed to have some energy left, as he hadn't moved or attacked much.

Nishida gestured for the ball with a commanding movement. Kenji, aware of Nishida's abilities, made the pass and sent the ball his way.

Nishida received the ball with an ease that seemed to contradict the intensity of the game. He took it in his chest, quickly placed it on the ground, and began to take long strides forward.

The field seemed to open up in front of him, but the Itou High School players quickly sensed the threat and began to surround him.

With a quick and unexpected touch, Nishida managed to outrun the first marker, leaving him behind as he ran.

Three Itou High School players quickly approached in an attempt to surround him and neutralize the threat.

Nishida, however, was not the type of player to be intimidated. With a pass to Lucas, who was approaching from the left, he managed to get away from the triple marker and found space to continue his advance.

Soon after, Lucas returned the pass to Nishida, who saw the ball coming towards him and managed to control it, but the marking was relentless. There were still two High School Itou players in front of Nishida, and even more behind him. It wouldn't be possible to play with Lucas again because the defense was tighter, and as soon as he slowed down to face the players in front of him, those behind him would catch up.

Besides, he was still far from the goal. He had to think fast. Nishida felt the pressure on his shoulders grow, but instead of backing down, he decided to risk it all.

'Fuck it... I'll do it for my self!' Nishida thought.

He grabbed the ball and prepared to shoot from just outside the box.

An opposing defender, sensing Nishida's intention, stepped forward to block. "We can't let him shoot because..."

Nishida was quicker. He unleashed a shot with a force that seemed superhuman.

The ball sliced through the air like a cannonball, heading toward the goal with frightening speed.

The crowd, the players, the coaches - everyone was paralyzed for a moment.

The Itou High School goalkeeper, despite his experience and quick reflexes, only noticed the shot when the ball hit the back of the net. He was still standing there, arms outstretched, hearing only the sound of the ball falling behind him and into the goal.

"What a strike!!!" said the announcer of the online broadcast.