167 - McAllister versus McGonagall

Lucas Tanaka looked out of the window of the small apartment that had become his home over the last few months. Outside, a light breeze made the leaves of the campus trees sway gently.

For any other young man his age, the idea of moving to another city, country or even continent might be exciting. But for Lucas, who had practically just passed, it seemed too soon.

"Jimmy, I understand what you're saying. I really do. But... transfer? Now? I don't know if it's the right time."

On the other end of the line, Jimmy McAllister laughed. "Lucas, Lucas... kid, you're 17, you're absurdly talented and the entire world is noticing. If you wait too long, you know what happens? Opportunities slip through your fingers. I've seen it happen so many times I could write a book."