With Lucas' beautiful goal, the Brighton fans roared like a raging wave, their euphoric shouts shaking the stands.
Among these hundreds of people, two young women were jumping and hugging each other amid the general delirium. Lucy and Kate had been there from the start, cheering, suffering and now celebrating.
Lucy shouted Lucas's name as if her voice could carry across the pitch and reach him. Kate, laughing and almost out of breath, held her arm tightly.
"Did you see that?! Did you see that?! He just destroyed their entire defense!"
"There's nothing to do when he decides to shine. Hahaha!"
At the same time, in a hotel in the heart of Munich...
In a large but minimalist hotel room, lit only by the glow of the television. On the floor, a sweaty man was doing sit-ups. He wasn't paying attention to the screen until the British narration reached a pitch of pure euphoria.