The campus of the Seyek Institute looked like another world in winter, covered in the soft white of freshly fallen snow.
The branches of the dry trees were coated in a thin layer of ice, and the grass of the fields disappeared under a white carpet.
With most of the students traveling to spend the holidays with their families, the campus was quieter than usual.
The tranquillity was welcome, but it also brought a certain air of loneliness that Lucas tried to ignore.
However, in the center of Brighton, in winter, was a charming city. The traditional red brick buildings, typical of British architecture, blended beautifully with the snow accumulating on their roofs. Some houses were adorned with twinkling Christmas lights, and store windows displayed festive decorations that attracted passers-by who ventured out into the cold.
The coffee and pubs along the waterfront were cozy, with customers warming their hands with mugs of tea or hot chocolate.