The rebound fell to Nishida. He didn't even have to think about it. It was in his blood. Nishida adjusted his body and prepared his shot with the coolness of someone who knew the outcome even before the ball left his boot.
Anton's eyes widened, and he was desperate to stop the earlier goal, but he was out of position. The whole of Brighton seemed immobile, as if their fate had already been sealed.
Nishida was whole on the ball. Well, almost whole.
The impact of his shot came before the ball hit the goal. A figure appeared between Nishida and the goal, without hesitation, without fear, as if it had been waiting for that moment. Nishida's shot exploded against Aidan's body, who threw himself in front of the ball without worrying about the consequences.
Nishida took half a step back, his eyes narrowing slightly.
Aidan, still on the ground, looked up and gave a crooked smile as the ball sailed wide.
"Not this time."