Chapter Five

Madisyn had booked an appointment in the automotive industry. She was desperate to meet him, eager to see if he truly was as rich and majestic as Joey claimed. He appeared very handsome in the photos, and articles described him as one of the top 100 richest men alive. He seemed to supply cars for races, celebrities, and even design and personalize vehicles for major brands.

She made sure to look her best that day; after all, she had never met him before and wanted to make a good impression. She took a long, refreshing shower, carefully did her makeup, and chose her outfit with care: skinny black jeans, an elegant white shirt, and heeled Dr. Martens. The driver took her to the car company.

When she arrived, she was speechless. Words couldn't capture the luxurious aura the building exuded. It was a tall, transparent skyscraper with signboards at the top showcasing all the major brands it collaborated with, including Ferrari and Lamborghini. The skyscraper had two floors: the ground floor was dedicated to displaying the cars, while the upper floor housed the offices.

"Wow, if he works with all these brands, he's wealthier than I ever imagined," she thought.

She walked inside the transparent skyscraper. The doors were adorned with silver, classy details, and the glass was thick. As soon as she stepped inside, a girl dressed as if she had just stepped out of a Fast and Furious movie approached her.

"Hi, welcome to Sprinterz Car Company. You must be Miss Madisyn. How can I assist you?"

The Barbie-like receptionist was doing her job well, given the place and its reputation. The attention to clients was impressive.

"Yes, I am. I'm here to see Ethan Connor."

"Oh... he's very busy at the moment. Is there anything I can assist you with?" She offered a convincingly polite smile, but Madisyn wasn't there to buy anything.

"Please, I just need to speak to him. I'm his brother's girlfriend. It'll be quick. Could you at least ask if he can spare a minute for me?"

The receptionist seemed a bit annoyed by the request, but eventually, she nodded and headed to the elevator to reach the second floor. About a minute later, she returned to Madisyn.

"Alright, he agreed to see you. Second floor, the golden door at the end."

Madisyn nodded. "Thank you," she whispered, her heart pounding.

It was time.

When she finally saw him, he looked at her with a puzzled expression from behind his refined desk. He exuded a confident air, as if fully aware of his worth and unafraid to wield his power when necessary. If Madisyn hadn't been so focused on her plan for revenge, she might have been captivated by his presence.

"Hello," Madisyn said as she approached the desk.

"Sit," he gestured to the chair in front of him.

She hesitated, then obeyed. As she sat down, she noticed how luxurious the chair was, likely worth thousands of dollars.

"I came here to talk to you about your brother. I am the—"

"The woman he left at the altar," he interrupted. "He always had a knack for losing the little good things that came his way. That happened in many occasions. But if you're here to ask me about him, I don't know where he is. We haven't spoken in decades. I only learned of his wedding through the invitation. I can't help you with this, but I think you should move on. No woman deserves to be left at the altar."

For a moment, the pain hit her like a stab in the back, growing in her chest. The urge to cry was overwhelming, but she did her best to keep her emotions in check.

"He completely blinded me with his love. He pretended to be in love with me."

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing more I can say. We aren't on good terms. Do you need financial help? I can pay for an apartment as long as you move away."

"No, I don't need that," she replied.

He seemed surprised by her refusal, as if he didn't expect a "no" for an answer.

"Then why did you come here?"

"Because you deserve to know your brother's plan." She took a deep breath and looked him straight in the eye. He resembled his brother, but at the same time, was so different. Ethan had inherited the most handsome traits of her ex-boyfriend: the same penetrating, mysterious green eyes, the same sharp jawline, and the same full lips with a perfect smile. But Ethan's physique was statuesque, as if sculpted from marble. His broad shoulders and visible abs through his white shirt made him even more imposing than his attitude already did.

"Your brother pretended to love me just to win my father's trust. My father owns the Dollan Company, and your brother needed it as a stepping stone. After he broke up with me, he confessed that he only needed a start, and now that he's earned enough and has a good client base, he plans to start his own company to finally compete with you. He wants to bring your business down and push it to failure. He wants everything you have. He used me Just to get to you."

Ethan remained impassive throughout her confession, his expression revealing no signs of disappointment or hurt. Yet, the silence after her words showed he hadn't expected this. He took a moment to process it, then sighed, letting out his concern.

"I'm very sorry he treated you that way just to get to me. He's always been jealous, but I never imagined he'd go this far."

"Aren't you scared he could succeed?"

He laughed at the question, as if it was the funniest joke in the world.

"Don't be silly. It would be a miracle if his company lasts more than two months. He'll come crawling back to you in a few weeks, trust me."

He inspected her for a second, looking her up and down.

"And you'll take him back."

"I will never take him back. Not after he admitted he never loved me and used me for years. How dare you even suggest I would?" Her fury was evident now, and he no longer seemed much different from his brother.

"That's what women do. You seem addicted to pain. The more men hurt you, the faster you take them back."

She furrowed her brows and leaned closer to him. "Don't ever presume to know me."

He raised his hands in a gesture of peace. "I was just saying my thoughts, " he said, moving his hand. "So what do you what from me? It's obvious you came here with a purpose or a plan." His deep green eyes intensively stared at her and for a second she wonder if that gaze could penetrate through her and unthread all her deepest secrets.