Chapter 7 Something to do.

When he was finally fully healed, Paul started to analyze the fight with rabbits as some things were bugging him about the whole thing.

First of all: Why was he so calm throughout all of that?

This was his first battle in this world and even if he wasn't a coward he sure as hell wasn't a seasoned warrior.

Another mystery was his way of fighting.

He might be stronger now but he could bet anything that crushing the skull of a Blood rabbit in one swing wasn't something that he could do.

Also, the kick that stopped the rabbit in its tracks was something he wasn't able to explain.

He did train in martial arts but this was something he had never tried or trained for.

And lastly, why did he feel like a spectator when he was supposed to fight for his life?

These questions showed up in his mind once he analyzed his memories from the fight and the answers he came up with were not anything that made him proud or calm about the whole ordeal.

-Either I'm a natural born killer and just never knew it or something possessed me and controlled my body and emotions, but if that is the case then what was it and why did it help me?

He spent a lot of time thinking about it but he was unable to figure this out for now.

While he was thinking about the battle and what happened he also prepared more weapons as the ones he had before were all broken now.

This time he crafted three clubs and five spears to have backups just in case this situation repeated itself.

Before he knew it the day had passed and the sun was already setting over the horizon.

He checked on the girls and they were both sleeping which was a good thing.

Paul was a bit worried about the older girl because she had no food and only a bit of water that he poured into her mouth but from the look of things, she was getting better.

Not wanting to sleep on the ground tonight, he prepared some grass for himself to sleep on which he now took out from his storage space.

-Time to get some sleep.

He said to himself and he drifted away as soon as his head touched the grass.

The next morning he woke up full of energy and what was strange he had no nightmares for the last two nights.

Not that he was complaining about that.

The next thing he saw however was unexpected, to say the least.

The moment he sat up he saw the younger girl sitting on the ground and waiting for him to wake up.

-What are you doing here?

Paul asked her.

-I'm waiting for you to wake up and give me instructions master.

This answer gave him a headache.

-Go back to rest you are still injured and should rest as much as possible.

He knew that this girl was taking her slave duties seriously but this was ridiculous.

-But master…

-No buts.

Go to rest and in the future don't wait for me to wake up.

Paul stopped her before she had the chance to argue.

The girl nodded and went back to the shelter.

He knew that she was probably bored out of her mind right now and just wanted something to do but that would be detrimental for her in the long run as she wasn't completely healed yet.

There was another reason that he wanted her to be fully healed as soon as possible and her sister as well.

According to the bestiary he read in his previous life blood rabbits had a habit of making their lairs in the vicinity of precious ingredients and he wanted the girls to lead him to the place where they were first attacked.

If he was right then there should be something good there and since the rabbits were dead now he intended to take it and sell it for a good price in town.

That would have to wait for both girls to heal and in the meantime, he wanted to raise his cultivation.

Paul deliberately never advanced more than a few levels a day, if he wanted to he could reach a much higher level but there was a price for cultivating too quickly and without restraint.

He saw people reaching level 50 in a matter of days but when it was time for them to advance to the second stage, they were stuck and some never managed to reach any higher no matter how much they cultivated or how many pills they consumed.

On the other hand, some people never advanced more than once a day and they had no problem with their promotion to the second stage.

Taking that into consideration he decided to go at most five levels a day or even less.

He had more than enough time and his life span was getting longer and longer with each level so he was in no hurry.

Another reason for him to take things slowly was that each level doubled the energy required to reach another one.

Also, most people from Earth that survived till now were just learning cultivation and it would take them a long time to reach his level.

Putting all that aside Paul started to prepare his breakfast and he added two more fish to roast for the girls.

The smell of roasting fish was enough to wake up both girls and Paul knew that they were up since he could hear their stomachs growl.

-Come get your food.

He said once the fish were ready.

Only the younger sister came out.

-Master, my sister can't move yet and cannot come here.

She said apologetically with her head hung down.

-Don't worry about that.

Here, take the food to her, she is most likely starving by now.

Paul; said handing her the two fish.

-Thank you, master.

The girl bowed slightly and went back to her sister.

Paul wasn't angry that the older girl didn't come out.

She was still injured and for now, it was a good thing that she finally woke up.

It would be a miracle if she could move after the injuries she sustained and Paul knew whole well that the only way for her to move any time soon is healing magic.

The fish was a measly substitute for beast meat but he liked fish and also if he ate the meat all the time then he would become sick of it, no matter how delicious it was.

Once he finished his food, Paul was preparing to go into the river to cultivate and today he wanted to advance five levels in both cultivations.

However, before he could even go near the shore, he was stopped by the young goblin girl.

-Master, do you have any work for me to do?

Hearing that question he sighed.

He was aware that this girl was bored out of her mind and just wanted something to do.

The problem was that he had nothing for her to do or at least nothing that needed to be done right now.

Then it hit him like a brick to the face.

-I have some work for you today.

He said with a smile as this would solve two of his problems at once.

-I need you to go and find some branches that are as long as the ones I used to build a shelter and also Gather some firewood and keep the fire going.

Paul was happy inside as this would give the girl some work to do and get him the materials he needed to build another shelter while he was cultivating.

-Yes, master.

The girl accepted her tasks.

-Also don't go too far away from the camp, if there is anything that could be dangerous or you don't know if it is dangerous then return immediately and let me know.

-Yes, master.

She repeated her sentence and went to carry out his instructions.

When she was gouging around the camp in search of the materials she was told to collect, Paul went to the shore and again there were fish in the water so Paul used the same method to stun them but this time the area of effect was bigger and the stun lasted longer.

Thanks to that he managed to get seventeen fish since he didn't bother with collecting the small ones.