Chapter 12 Impossible.

Paul moved the unconscious girls into their shelter to let them rest and recuperate after the ordeal that they had just gone through.

He had a lot of things to think about, especially after his discovery that both girls were the same as him and the seal that they both had was an ancient form of magic that was lost to time leaving only the description of its look and how it worked.

This was a five-star seal with each of the smaller seals representing a condition that had to be met to unlock it.

Paul already deduced that naming the girls was a part of the condition and the seal started to crack but since the condition wasn't fully met it hurt them.

He was only able to break the seals because they were already weakened and on the verge of breaking, otherwise he would be unable to do anything but watch the girls suffer.

The big question was who did this to them and why?

the only thing he was able to conclude for now was that whoever did this to them was extremely powerful and had access to knowledge beyond his imagination.

This experience also made him realize just how insignificant his cultivation was, whether in his past life or this one.

Before someone, that could use a five-star seal he was less than an ant.

Because of this event, Paul decided to cultivate more diligently in the future.

He needed strength to protect himself and now his girls.

Also if they accidentally triggered the second seal, then with his current strength he would be unable to do anything.

-Master, what happened to us?

Paul was brought back from his thoughts by a quiet voice that belonged to Maya.

-How are you feeling?

Was his first question, once he saw her standing next to him.

-I feel strange, it's like my body has changed.

She wasn't wrong as she did change and he only now started to see the differences as he looked at her body from top to bottom.

She did not have her fangs anymore and her nails looked like that of a human also the tone of her skin color changed.

To add to that, her body seemed to develop quite a bit making her look like a model and also her face had some delicate changes making her prettier than she was before.

The same was true for Mia who left the shelter just now but since she was older, her body has developed more than Maya's.

-Also I'm hungry.

The girl said since he asked.

Paul took out the skewers that he had roasted earlier and gave two of them to each of the girls.

Who started to devour them like they were starving.

He figured out that the changes to their bodies used a lot of their energy and that was why they were so hungry right now.

The girls quickly finished the skewers and Paul gave them more, since they belonged to him now then he would not be stingy with them.

Once they were full Paul explained to them what had happened and that there were seals in their bodies also adding that they were not goblins.

Both girls were shocked.

-Master if we are not goblins then what are we?

Mia asked once she got her voice back.

-I don't know but it is evident that the seal inside you is hiding your true appearance.

This was hard for them to understand since they spent their whole lives believing that they were goblins.

-Also I discovered that both of you can become dual cultivators.

Paul decided to drop all the bombshells at once.

-What does that mean?

Mia was so confused right now that she even forgot to call him master, but he let that slide since he could understand what they were going through.

In just one day they became slaves, got tortured by a seal they had no idea was inside of them once they were given a name and Now they learned that they were not goblins, and on top of it all they just heard that they could become dual cultivators whatever that meant.

Paul waited for a moment to let them digest what he had just said to them.

Once the girls calmed down a bit he explained what cultivation was and what it meant to be a dual cultivator.

-Master, can we really become dual cultivators?

Maya asked after he finished his explanation.

-Yes you can, you have both: meridians and mana channels inside of your body which means that you can cultivate both powers.

Paul explained patiently.

He was a bit surprised that they both managed to overcome the shock of learning this many unexpected things about themselves.

-But we are slaves, would it be alright for us to become strong?

Mia asked just now remembering their new status.

-There is no problem with cultivating while being a slave unless your master forbids you to do so, and just to be clear, I have no intention of stopping you from cultivating and will even help you with it.

Paul could understand why she asked this question as most slave owners did not want their slaves to be too strong because if they ever became free again then they might seek revenge. 

He however didn't have these kinds of worries since he was not planning to keep the girls as slaves for long and he also never planned to use his power over them to do something that they did not want to do like serving him at night.

Not that he would mind if they took the initiative of their own free will but he would not force them to do it.

He was not his step brothers who did it all the time and he would never become like them.

-Then please, help us become strong, Master.

Both girls knelt and bowed before him.

-Get up, and don't bow to me like that again.

Paul commanded.

He forgot to tell them this before because of the whole problem with the seal but he didn't like it when they bowed to him like that.

-But master, we are your slaves and we should bow when we ask for something.

Maya said, not understanding why he was forbidding them from bowing.

-Yes you are slaves, my slaves, but even if this is the case I do not want to humiliate you in any way since you did nothing to deserve that.

And bowing to me the way you are is humiliating for you.

Paul explained his stance on that matter which left the girls speechless.

They never considered this as a humiliation and thought that it was normal for slaves to bow whenever they asked for something or apologized for their mistakes.

-Finally, this is my order as your master.

Paul decided to use his authority in this case to leave no doubt about his wishes.

-Yes, master.

Both girls acknowledged the order and got up from their knees.

-Since you both want to cultivate then first we need to find out what kind of magic elements you are compatible with.

He said once the girls were on their feet.

-How are we going to do that master?

Maya asked, curious about the new things that they will learn.

-I will send some of my mana into your bodies and direct it into your mana pools, that way I will be able to see which elements suit each of you.

Paul explained.

Since both of them wanted to cultivate then he might as well help them avoid many difficulties that he encountered himself when he first started cultivating and knowing the magical attributes of their cultivation would be a great help.

Once he told them what to do they sat down and Maya was the first to try.

Paul held both of her hands while they were sitting opposite each other and slowly sent his mana into her mana channels until he reached her mana pool.

Once his mana entered her empty pool it started to fill it up slowly.

When her mana pool was half full, it started to emanate light and that was the moment he was waiting for as the colors of the lights represented the elements that she was compatible with.

What he saw however shocked him to the core.

This was impossible but he had just witnessed it and he even checked three times to be sure that he didn't imagine it.

Once he was sure of what he saw he retreated from her mana pool leaving the mana there.

-You are next.

He spoke to Mia who was awaiting her turn.

-Master what did you find?

Maya asked him.

-You will know once I check your sister's attributes.

He answered and proceeded to uncover the older sister's attributes.

The whole thing went smoothly and the results were the same for both sisters.

-You have got to be kidding me.

Paul said once he saw the lights emanating from Mia's mana pool.

What he saw was impossible but he had the proof that it was true right before him.

Once he opened his eyes, Paul wasn't sure if he was supposed to laugh or cry.

-Ladies, you are both Arch-mages.

He reveled what he had discovered leaving the girls speechless.