Chapter 16 Spatial devices.

The whole procedure to open the three spatial devices was simple since the previous owners were dead and their connections with the devices were broken the moment they died.

All Paul had to do was establish new connections by dropping some blood on the device and using his Qi.

What he found inside astonished him.

These three people had everything that they could need to live in the wilderness for a very long time.

Aside from their weapons which were two swords and a staff he also found bows and arrows, tents, clothing, a ton of food, bottles of pills and potions, some scrolls with techniques, many herbs and ingredients that they had collected, quite a few beast corpses that they hunted and thousands of gold, silver and copper coins.

Fortunately, the two young ladies from the Yuki clan were very similar in size to Mia and Maya.

There were some differences but for the most part, their clothes would fit the two girls.

The young man on the other hand was taller and much better built than Paul so his clothes were a bit too big for him.

However, they were way better than what Paul had now and he wasn't going to be picky when he went into the town especially since he had no intention of looking like a beggar if he could help it.

Once he saw what items were in which spatial device he transferred some of them into the one that he planned to use from now on and prepared the other two for the girls once they finished their cultivation.

Not long after he finished sorting the items both girls came to him.

-Master, we reached the fifth level, what do we do now?

Mia asked once they arrived before him.

-Now you will be a bit busy since it's high time to start teaching you both to read and write but first, you both need to change your clothes.

Paul said handing over the two bracelets that belonged to the Yuki clan's girls.

-What are these?

Maya asked him.

This was their first time seeing a spatial device.

Paul explained their use and how to connect with them.

-But master, we don't have any Qi.

Mia stated the obvious.

-Don't worry, your mana will work the same as Qi so just use it for now.

Both girls did as he instructed and felt a connection forming between them and the bracelets.

Once it was fully formed they were able to see what was inside and both of them were shocked at the share number of outfits that were inside and also the other things.

Paul left them bows and arrows that he found inside and he did not forget to leave some money inside just in case they were separated.

-Everything that you see inside of the bracelets belongs to you from now on.

Paul said.

Now, go and take a bath before changing into the training clothes that you have inside.

-But why do we need to change our clothes?

Maya asked curiously.

This was a new concept to her as all she had ever worn were her loincloth and the fabric covering her chest.

-For the most part, the clothes that you have are nothing more than pieces of fabric covering only a bit of your body and they are not in the best condition not to mention that lately, they have been becoming too small for you.

That was the truth as both girls had gained some weight and thanks to regular food they started to develop in all the places that a woman should.

Not that he minded the view but it was getting harder and harder for him to control himself as time passed especially since his body now was that of a teenager.

It took the girls a moment to understand his words but the moment they did both of them blushed, making their skin color turn dark green instead of their usual light green color.

They tried to cover themselves using their hands in their panic, totally forgetting that they were fine with it just a moment ago.

Paul found this situation hilarious and started to laugh.

This awoken Mia's temperament again.

Since the last time he had given her a little lesson, she did her best to keep it under control but the combination of embarrassment and his laughter made it slip her control.

-What the hell is so funny?

She asked with a sharp tone and a fire in her eyes before she could stop herself.

She was his slave and that was no way for a slave to address her master but she did not care right now.

Seeing her temper return, made Paul laugh even more.

This infuriated the girl to the boiling point but unfortunately, she could not hit him as her mark would paralyze her the moment she tried.

All she could do was glare at him and ground her teeth which amused him even more.

-Calm down Mia.

He said once he stopped laughing.

But his words made her even more angry.

Her mark might force her to listen to his commands and she was unable to refuse them but it had no power over what she was thinking or said.

-Like hell am I going to calm down…

She started but was stopped when he put his hands on her shoulders.

-Listen to me.

Paul tried to pacify her.

-You need to calm down.

-Let go of me.

She glared at him again.

Paul understood that she would not listen no matter what he said in this state so he flicked her forehead again.

This time however he held back a lot more since he didn't want to hurt her, just calm her down.

When Mia saw the incoming head flick she closed her eyes as she still remembered how much it hurt the last time.

This time it didn't hurt that badly but it managed to calm her down and made her realize what she just said in anger.

Once that realization hit her she went pale as this was more than enough reason for her master to punish her and she remembered that he had advised her not to anger him.

Only after she calmed down she also realized just how stupid her tantrum was.

If he so desired he could order them to walk around naked and they would have to do it.

What's more, if he wanted them to serve him at night then all he had to do was to order them to do it and they would have no choice as they were both adults now.

In this world, one was considered an adult once he or she reached the age of fifteen.

Mia was sixteen and her sister was already fourteen so nothing was stopping him from taking their bodies for his pleasure.

-Did you calm down now?

Paul asked seeing her turn pale and becoming quiet again.

Mia nodded her head.


He said in a calm voice

-I won't blame you for your anger just now and you won't get punished for it either in case you were wondering about that.

This statement made her relax a bit as she was sure that he would do something to her as a punishment for her words.

-Go get cleaned up and change into the training outfits like I told you.

Paul decided that it would be better to forget about the whole thing than to try and explain it.