Chapter 25 Poking a bear.

Paul went back to his room to continue his cultivation as meeting these two had reminded him that he was still weak and he needed to change that especially if he didn't want to reveal his status as a healer.

This status would be able to protect him and the girls but it would also make their lives difficult.

No one wanted to offend a healer no matter how low his cultivation was at the moment but at the same time, everyone wanted to recruit a healer so this status was a double-edged sword.

There was more in it for him because if he became famous then his father's family might find out about him and try to get rid of him before he was powerful enough to challenge them.

At least for now, he managed to avoid the problems especially if these two understood the meaning behind his actions.

He wasn't too sure about the girl but the guard most likely got the message.

Also, there was not that much time before they left this place and he was sure that the wounded woman would not be ready to travel anytime soon if she even woke up before they left.

Paul decided to put all of that aside and returned to his cultivation reaching level 35 and being close to level 36 before it was time for supper.

Maya and Mia were still practicing their reading and they were getting good at it wince in a single day they went from spelling every word to reading full words and even starting to read full sentences.

-Good work ladies, keep it up and soon you will be able to read without a problem.

He praised them when they told him about their progress during the meal.

His prize was enough to make them both happy and smiling from ear to ear for a long while.

-Master can we sleep together again today?

Maya asked out of the blue with a blush on her face.

Paul was speechless for a moment especially since Maya was usually the more steady and reserved type, unlike Mia with her fiery temperament.

Seeing him shocked Mia couldn't stop herself from teasing him a bit.

-What? Do you think that we are not pretty enough for that or are you afraid that we will steal your innocence, master?

This comment stung Paul's ego and her challenging tone was evident.

He knew that she was just teasing him but as a man, he could not leave this unanswered.

-Since you put it like that, then maybe it is time for me to take yours.

Paul said with a mischievous smile.

This made both girls blush and Mia regretted poking a bear since he could do it if he wanted to and they would be powerless to stop it.

It was another matter that both of them would be willing to give their bodies to him if that was what he wanted.

Both girls hung their heads down and focused on their meal as there was no way for them to answer that without consequences.

This reaction made Paul laugh out loud as he knew that he had won this round.

He hoped that this was enough to stop Mia from teasing him for the time being as she seemed to enjoy doing so whenever an opportunity presented itself.

This was something that reminded him of Alice and he shuddered at the thought of these two teaming up to tease him.

He would be helpless against them then.

-I will allow it but no more teasing or you might regret it later.

Paul said, since he also liked to sleep with beauties in his arms, it was something he never knew because he never experienced it before.

In the past, his cheating girlfriend has bearly allowed him to touch her hand and kissed him once or twice on the cheek but that was it.

While at the same time, she slept with his stepbrother until he got her pregnant and that was also one of the reasons that they decided to kill him since it was more than likely that he would want to kill these bastards once he knew the truth.

After the meal, Paul went into the bathing area to cultivate Qi and managed to rise three whole levels before midnight when he decided to stop and get some rest since they were going to leave the next day.

He entered his room only to find both girls sleeping soundly on his bed.

How many men would want to come to their room just to find two beautiful girls on their bed?

Paul lay down in the middle and he was shocked when both girls clung to him the moment they felt the warmth of his body.

He carefully took them in his arms allowing them to use his chest as a pillow again.

-Sweet dreams ladies.

He said before he closed his eyes and joined them in the dreamland.

The next morning he woke up to find two pairs of green eyes looking at him with happiness in them.

Both girls were still lying in his embrace and they seemed to be very happy about that fact for some reason.

-Good morning ladies.

He greeted them.

-Good morning master.

Both of them answered but they had no intention of moving from their spots since they were comfortable and warm.

Paul also did not want to move and he would like for nothing more than to spend the rest of his life like this but they had to get up eventually.

Paul also discovered that when he slept with them he had no nightmares which was something he thought would only go away once he had his revenge.

What he did not know was that both girls also had nightmares of their own, about their clan being massacred and them being chased by humans and beasts.

But when they slept with him they felt safe and the nightmares disappeared which was the reason why Maya asked for this.

The other reason was that both girls liked him and were on their way to falling in love with him completely so they did not see anything bad with sleeping on the same bed.

The bonus was that his chest was a very comfortable pillow and his embrace made them feel safe.

They also knew that he would not do anything to them if they didn't want to and that made them trust him even more deepening their sense of security.

-Ladies as much as I would love to stay like this for as long as possible we need to get up and get ready for the day.

Paul said after a while of enjoying his time with them.

The girls were also not happy about it but they agreed and went back to their room to get ready and pack up since today they were leaving the River town.

He also got ready and packed his stuff which only took a moment thanks to the spatial device.

Once he was ready he went to the girl's room to help them with their hair.

Ever since he first gave them the hairpins and did their hair for the first time they would always ask him to do it again.

Fortunately for them, Paul did not mind helping with it as he thought that they looked even prettier with their hair done.

This time however he asked them to use more common hairpins to avoid trouble and they had a whole collection of jewelry left behind by the girls from the Yuki clan along with dozens of outfits and other things that would make any girl happy.

When they went down for breakfast they noticed some people in the dining hall which indicated that the boat had arrived earlier.

-Did the boat already arrive?

Paul asked the Innkeeper.

-Yes young master, and they plan to return at noon.

The Innkeeper informed him.

This meant that they had enough time for a meal and then they would have to go and get on the boat or they would have to travel on foot again.