Chapter 36 Buying a house.

-Welcome, how can I help you?

Paul greeted the man once he entered the main building.

-Well, I came today to ask if you will also be leaving like the rest of my customers.

Paul understood that the fire that happened at the Qi family's mansion destroyed this guy's reputation and he most likely would be out of the business soon.

-I have no intention of leaving unless you plan to kick us out.

His words made the owner smile slightly but it was a sad smile.

-Unfortunately, I might have to ask you to leave since this place will be sold soon as well as all of my properties in this town.

-But why would you want to sell everything?

-Because I intend to take my family and leave this place once I finish selling it all, my reputation was destroyed by my competitors thanks to the fire a few days ago and now no one will rent from me.

The man said with sadness and defeat in his voice.

Paul understood him and in his place, he would do the same as reputation was everything in business no matter what it was if you got discredited then it was all over for you.

-Then how much do you intend to sell this place for?

The question surprised the man.

-Do you intend to buy this residence?

-I'm thinking about it and it will all depend on the price.

Paul might have a lot of money right now but he needed to save some of it for the future.

-Thanks to that accursed fire the prices of the real estate in this area plummeted so I'm willing to sell the whole thing to you for 12000 gold coins.

Paul thought about it for a moment.

The owner seemed like a money grubber at first but he was an honest man and preferred to do honest business instead of trying to rip someone off.

12,000 gold was no small sum of money but for a residence like this, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

-I will also add all the slaves that are currently working here.

The owner said seeing that Paul was hesitating, he wanted to get rid of this place as it would be the most difficult to sell thanks to being right next to the burnt-down residence.

-Then we have a deal.

Paul finally decided as he was planning to also buy the slaves but since he got them with the house then all the better.

-Come back here tomorrow with the deed and the contracts to finalize everything.

-Thank you, young master, you have no idea how much you just helped me.

The man said with a happy expression on his face.

-We helped each other and we both got what we wanted so there is no need to thank me.

Paul said with a smile.

He also was happy because now he became the owner of his residence along with all the staff and he got it for at most twenty percent of its real price.

The man left in a much better mood than he came there leaving Paul to inform the slaves that from tomorrow he would be their new master.

The girls were the first to learn that from the next day, this place would belong to them.

-But master were you not planning to get your revenge?

Maya asked a bit surprised that he bought the house.

-I will get my revenge but this was a rare opportunity and I always wanted to have a place of my own.

Besides, It's not like this place will disappear when I go to settle my business in the future.

Paul explained.

The news of heaving their own home made them happy but the news about the slaves left the girls shocked.

-Master are the two of us not enough for you?

Maya asked with a sad face, totally misunderstanding the situation.

Paul never expected this kind of reaction from them.

-I think, you are misunderstanding the situation a bit, Maya.

He tried to pacify her.

-Then explain it to me.

She retorted with a bit of anger.

This was the first time Paul had ever seen her angry.

-Well it's quite easy, there is no way that the two of you can keep this place in order and I do not know too much about cleaning and the rest of that stuff

So we need people who will do that for us and since the owner of this place added them along with the residence then I think it works in our favor.

Paul explained.

-And I already told you both that you can get your freedom whenever you want.

Honestly, what is up with you two wanting to be my slaves when you can be free?

Paul asked since this was one thing that he could not understand about the girls.

-We do not want to be free because we do not want you to leave us, is it that hard for you to understand that all we want is to be with you?

Mia exploded, she had had enough of this stupid man not understanding their feelings for him.

This outburst made Paul speechless as he had no intention of leaving them and he wanted to free them to ask them to be his women.

Only now did he understand that all three of them were idiots who were clueless about their feelings for one another.

-I would never leave you and that was never my intention, I want to free you because I want both of you to become my women and that is impossible with the contract in place.

Why do you think I named both of you the ladies of the house?

Paul made his intentions as clear as possible.

Mia and Maya were the speechless ones now as they never thought about it and didn't get the hints that he had feelings for them.

The truth was that they could not be blamed for it as neither of them knew much about love thanks to their pasts.

Now that the truth was out both girls had tears in their eyes and were cursing themselves for being so blind to the obvious.

Paul hugged both of them tightly and waited for them to calm down from all the emotions.

Truth be told he was also emotional right now and very happy knowing that both of them wanted to be with him.

It took a while for the ladies to calm down and by that time Paul's clothes were wet with their tears.

Once they were all calmer There was an awkward silence between them and both Mia and Maya could not look Paul in the eye.

They were embarrassed but happy that he wanted them to be his women.

-Well ladies now that we cleared this whole thing out, will you accept your freedom and do me the honor of becoming my women?

Paul had broken the silence, since they already knew their feelings for each other nothing was holding him back from asking that question.

They were both still a bit choked from all the crying but they nodded their heads.

Seeing them agree he immediately broke the contract and their marks disappeared making the girls have a sense of loss.

Their connection vanished but they knew that now they would belong to him on an even deeper level than before and also he would belong to them.