Chapter 40 Going to the Auction.

-Should we introduce ourselves?

A young man asked his companions.

-I don't think it's a good idea.

One of the ladies answered.

-Why not sis?

The other young man asked.

-Because we don't know who they are, and judging from their clothes they are certainly wealthy.

The oldest lady in the group explained.

-So what? we are all wealthy so there is nothing wrong in introducing ourselves.

The man who asked the question argued.

-Look closely and tell me what we have and they don't.

The girl said losing her patience.

It took a moment for the rest of the group to figure out what she was talking about.

-So they don't have guards like us, what does that have to do with anything sis?

-It means you dummy that they either can't afford guards which is unlikely considering their outfits or they don't need them which is the more probable explanation.

She pointed out the obvious.

-Now consider going there and starting to flirt with these two ladies in front of their man or for us to start seducing their man, what do you think will happen?

Her words made them rethink their plans.

-Ok let's forget it and go have some fun.

The other ladies said losing their interest in Paul.

Nobody wanted to start trouble out of nothing, especially over a guy who was already taken. 

Paul and the two beauties were oblivious that they almost had to deal with a group of young nobles and went home after a wonderful time together.

The next few days were quite similar to one another without anything major happening except for Paul and the ladies receiving the invitation to an auction at the White Falls auction house.

At first, he didn't want to attend the auction but Mia and Maya managed to convince him.

They never saw an auction and wanted to experience it.

Paul always wanted to show them the world and broaden their horizons so he agreed.

He intended to just go after the auction to get the funds but since he could show his ladies an auction and get the money afterward then why shouldn't he?

Their time until the auction was filled with learning, combat training, and cultivation.

During that week they all managed to raise their cultivation by a lot.

Paul was now at level 63 in mana and 62 in qi cultivation while Mia and Maya were both at level 48 in both cultivations, catching up quickly to him.

Other than that they also learned a lot of combat skills and some spells.

Paul also took a day to purify their mana and Qi making both of them even more formidable.

When the day of the auction finally arrived, both girls were overly excited and Paul could not help but laugh at their antics.

-What are you laughing about?

Mia asked with her hands on her hips.

She was not amused that he found their discussions about their outfits funny.

-You two behave exactly like the girls from my world when they have to decide what to wear for an event.

He explained with laughter.

Paul decided earlier to reveal his origins to both of them so now they knew that he was from another world and at that time they asked many questions about his world and his family, learning the whole story.

-Is it so amusing to you that we want to look presentable at our first event?

Mia asked getting worked up.

Sensing the incoming eruption, Paul caught her hand and pulled her into his embrace, forcing her to sit on his lap.

She yelped at this sudden attack but once she was in his arms she calmed down in an instant.

-You always look presentable and beautiful.

Paul complimented her, improving her mood significantly and disarming the ticking time bomb that was about to explode.

This tactic worked on both girls without fail.

Mia and Maya were defenseless when they were in his arms and could not even argue with him or scold him as their hearts melted every time he did this.

-Ok, you smooth talker, release my sister or we will be late.

Maya said, shaking her head at her sister who was pacified so easily.

She had forgotten that she did not do any better when she was angry at their man and he did the same to her.

Paul laughed out loud.

-You know that the auction is in the evening and it's morning right now?

He asked.

-So what? We need time to choose our outfits and get ready.

Paul just shook his head and left the room leaving them to their discussion.

He could not understand their need to have a full day to discuss their clothing and get ready for the evening.

He spent the day reading and training with the guards as usual before getting himself ready, which took him a few minutes.

Mia and Maya took a lot longer but soon they came down and Paul was speechless seeing them in the dresses they bought earlier.

Both ladies looked enchanting.

Seeing his reaction both of them giggled since they had hoped to surprise their man and the maids helped them to accomplish it.

-Well ladies the carriage is waiting.

Paul said when he remembered how to speak.

The carriage was his idea as showing up in one would raise their status in the eyes of others and stop any potential trouble so he rented one along with the driver.

The trip to the auction house was a short one but this was also something new for the girls since this was their first carriage ride.

When they arrived there was already a crowd at the entrance and some carriages of the wealthy and powerful people were already lining up.

It didn't take long for their turn to disembark and just as he predicted when they left the carriage there were a lot of gasps in the crowd and all the attention was directed at them.

Thankfully they were inside a moment later but all the people inside were also looking at them since they were a very unusual group.

A young handsome man with a beautiful woman on each arm was nothing special but the ladies were enchanting enough to make almost all men drool seeing them and all the women present were starting to get jealous of their beauty and also because the man they were accompanying was also very handsome and from the looks of things wealthy.

Paul and his ladies were brought to their box by an attendant and served some tea.

-The auction will start within half an hour, if you need anything just ring the bell.

The attendant girl said before leaving them alone.

Paul especially contacted the auction house and booked the private box for them because he did not want to sit in the common seats.

He was lucky in that regard because most of the private boxes were already booked and he took the last one.