Chapter 42 The Main Event.

The next few items were useless to Paul or the ladies so they skipped the bidding.

But soon there was a beautiful emerald green bow along with a set of arrows in matching colors presented.

-This item is known as the Wind Spirit bow, crafted from the Ensnaring tree the set contains a bow and a quiver with two dozen arrows.

The starting price is 4500 gold coins.

The auctioneer started the bid but not many people wanted to bid as this was a very expensive bow despite its beauty.

Seeing Maya enchanted by the bow Paul joined the bidding.

-7200 gold coins.

He said raising his sign.

The young lady from the sect glared at him as she wanted this bow for herself and raised the price even more.

-7500 gold coins.

She said with an annoyed voice.

If she wanted to play then Paul was more than happy to oblige.

-8000 gold coins.

He said with amusement in his voice.

This made the young lady look like she was slapped and she was getting angry.

-8500 gold coins.

She raised the bid further.

Everyone was curious about who would be the victor as it looked like they wanted to compete for this weapon without letting it go.

-9000 gold coins.

Paul said with a smile on his face.

He was having a lot of fun competing for the items and didn't want to fail Maya's expectations.

-Darling enough, we can't splurge that much money for a bow.

Maya tried to stop him

-Who said that we can't?

He asked.

-This bow is not a common one and it would be hard to find another like it so I don't mind paying for it.

Paul was determined to make her happy and if it cost him a few thousand gold coins to achieve that then it was a small price to pay.

The same went for Mia, he only said that he would stop at 6000 to calm her down but he was ready to pay much more than that if that meant he would see her happy smile.

The young lady was now furious and even her fellow disciples were having trouble calming her down.

She wanted to raise the price but was stopped by a young woman who was a few years older than her.

-Junior sister, that is enough.

If you haven't noticed, this young man is willing to pay much more to get this bow and we can't overspend if we want to have a chance of getting the main item.

-Yes senior sister.

The young lady sat down and kept quiet while the old man Bai Wei finished the auction declaring Paul the new owner of the Wind Spirit bow.

The moment the bow was delivered to the box and paid for, he gifted it to Maya earning him another hug and a kiss.

Paul was extremely happy with this auction, and it was not even the main event yet.

Another half a dozen items were sold before the host finally announced the main event.

-Ladies and gentlemen the final auction of the night will now commence.

The old man said presenting the item everyone was waiting for.

-I present to you the mana carrot a very rare ingredient which most of you should know.

With this, any alchemist can increase the potency of their pills and potions and it is not sold too often because of their scarcity.

The owner of this item remains anonymous working through a middleman so I can't introduce you to him if you were wondering about that.

The starting price is 10,000 gold coins and the bid starts now.

Everyone was baffled by the information about the owner but also excited that there was a real mana carrot right before their eyes.

This was something that most of the gathered only read about and not many had seen the real deal.




The bids were incoming so fast that even the host had a problem remembering who bid the highest.

Maya and Mia were shocked, they thought the previous auctions were costly but this was insane.

The bid started less than a minute ago and the price was already over 100,000 gold coins and still increasing.

-If you two are shocked by this then I wonder what will you do when you go to the capital where there are the wealthiest people around and this amount is a pocket change to them.

Paul said seeing that the girls were stunned.

His words made them remember that they were in a town in the province right now and there were much wealthier people than these guys here.

-But darling, this carrot will soon cost more than all the other items combined.

Mia said still not believing what she was witnessing.

-It sure looks like it.

Paul agreed.

-Don't we have a lot of these carrots?

Maya asked also in disbelief.

-Yes we have many of them but they will not be sold here.

-Then what will you do with them?

-I might sell one or two in the capital city to get more money but the rest will be our reserve found if we ever need it.

They were wispering to avoid anyone hearing that they had more carrots.

To be sure that they were covered Paul bid two times but that was only for show and the price was rising so fast that he was outbid in seconds.

What was going on in the auction house was not an auction but a bidding war between the most wealthy people around.

The sects, the clans, the families, the guilds, and even some wealthy cloaked people were fighting for the one carrot and there was no clear victor in sight.

Even Paul was shocked at the ferocity of the bidding but what siprised him the most was that no one used their position or influence to pressure the rest into giving up like he saw in his past life.

In this place everyone was equal and their wealth would decide the victor.

The bidding battle raged on for quite a while, and the price had already exceeded one million gold coins.

So far only some smaller families and those less wealthy dropped out of the competition while the big shots were going all out to secure the rare resource that could help their family members advance their cultivation.

This showed Paul and the ladies that their wealth so far was nothing compared to the people who were still bidding with no sign of slowing down even as the price reached two million now.