Chapter 45 Naive fool.

The transport circle was not perfect but it did what it was intended for and transported Paul over 40 kilometers away from the White Falls town.

He was wounded and bleeding so right now his priority was to treat his injuries.

Taking out his first aid set he bought in the town Paul got to work.

Pouring some alcohol on the wounds to disinfect them and stitching himself was extremely painful but he had no other choice for now since his mana was sealed and Qi as useful as it was could not be used for healing.

It took him around 20 minutes to get the wounds stitched and dressed before he started to work on unsealing his mana.

He had little time since he was starting to have trouble breathing thanks to the knife that struck his chest which punctured his lung.

Paul focused on his mana pool, the seal was something he had never seen before so there was no way to remove it.

At least not the way that it was done normally but he still had an ace up his sleeve.

Using his Qi he connected to the seal and started to absorb its power converting it into his energy thanks to his unique physique.

It took him another 20 minutes to weaken the seal to the point that he could directly break it but once he did he felt a surge of power erupting in his body making his mana and Qi chaotic.

There was no way to use a spell like that so he focussed all his efforts on controlling the energy running rampant in his body while it was getting harder and harder to breath.

The moment he regained some control of his mana he cast the healing spell on himself just in the nick of time as he was already starting to suffocate.

The spell worked and healed all his injuries making him spit a few mouthfuls of blood to clear his lungs just before he lost consciousness.

It was already the next day's afternoon when he opened his eyes again.

Paul needed a while to remember what happened to him and then he checked his body for any damage as the energy slipped from his control the moment he lost consciousness but there was no major damage to his body and the wounds he sustained all healed.

All the power was still present but now it was under his control and he immediately started absorbing it by converting all of it into his own Qi and mana.

Added to all the energy he absorbed when he was unsealing his mana pool he gained four levels of Qi cultivation and replenished his mana before going up a level in it as well.

It took him a few hours to achieve that but finally, he had absorbed all of the leftover energy and could focus on his plans from now on.

Taking into consideration that the woman who was responsible for his wounds was most likely Mia's and Maya's mother and all the evidence suggested that this was the case, then they should be safe at least for now.

-There is no point in dwelling on it, It's not like I can go and take them back with my current strength.

Paul said to himself.

He knew that this time he managed to escape because he surprised the woman and this would not work for the second time.

-This bitch will pay for what she had done to you all.

Paul said to the heavens as if he was reassuring his slaves and the ladies from the Qi family that he would not let this slide promising to avenge them as they were his people and he would not allow anyone to get away with hurting his people no matter who they were.

He felt the anger rising within him when the scene of the heads on the spears replayed in his mind.

It took him a few minutes to calm down as anger was never a good advisor and he could do exactly nothing right now to make the woman pay for her actions but she was just added to the list of people who he had a score to settle.

Right now Paul had more important things to worry about like removing the stitches and figuring out where the hell he was since the transportation spell was set to random coordinates.

He decided to go slowly and do one thing at a time starting with removing the stitches since they were no longer needed.

Next on the list was eating something since he was starving then changing into his combat gear as he was clearly in the wilderness again and it was already lucky that no beast came to find him as there was a smell of his blood all around.

While he was at it he did a quick inventory of his spatial device and storage space which revealed that he had not lost any of his possessions other than some of his clothes and books that he kept in his room and even got the cursed dagger that the woman wanted to use on him.

-Well, I can always buy new books and clothes.

He said to himself before getting to his feet and walking west.

The White Falls town was in the east of the continent so there was little chance of him getting back there and he preferred not to since there would be a lot of questions that he could not answer without revealing too much about himself.

Another reason not to go back was that there was nothing left for him there now as his servants were dead, his mansion burnt down, and his women taken away by their mother.

What he needed now was to find another town or maybe even a city to settle down for a while and keep a low profile while leveling up his cultivation at the same time.

To even have a fighting chance against that woman he would need to reach a minimum of a Soul refinement stage and Master mage stage, preferably higher but this would take years of cultivation and an enormous amount of resources.

He was worried about Maya and Mia but there was nothing he could do right now since once again he was too weak.

This thought made him angry and frustrated as he was unable to even protect his women which was pathetic.

Paul remembered that the woman called him a worm and that was exactly what he was in her eyes a pathetic worm which she could crush as she wanted.

Walking through the wilderness he vented his anger on any beast he encountered and even a low-level spirit and magic beasts were not spared from his blade and if they happened to guard anything of value then it was a bonus.

Three days later he reached a small village just outside the forest and learned there that the nearest town other than White Falls was another two hundred kilometers away.

He could wait for the merchants to come and tag along with them as it was the safest way to reach the town but it would take another two weeks while traveling by himself he could reach the place in less than a week so he declined.

He however accepted an invitation to spend a night in the village which was a welcome change from sleeping in the tent he had in his spatial device.

In the morning he went on his way leaving two disappointed young girls who wanted to spend the night with him.

If this was before he met his ladies then he would accept their advances especially since there were no strings attached but right now he was taken and he was not going to cheat on his women.

He hoped that both of them would also stay faithful to him as it was not easy to reject the girls from the village.

-You are such a naive fool.

Came the voice out of nowhere when he was a few kilometers away from the village.

Paul looked around but could not find anyone.

-Who are you? Show yourself.

He said with a sword in hand and ready to defend himself.