Chapter 47 A classmate.

Paul continued on his way trying his best to digest all the information he just acquired and it was hard to believe that not only did he have a reincarnation soul inside of him that would merge with him in the future but all the other information was just as unbelievable.

However, no matter how he looked at it, this all made sense.

He was always curious why there were no stage ten cultivators around.

The answer was simple now, they went to the higher world and there were not many of them since it was hard to reach this level, and the pleasure cultivation was looked down upon by the society in this world so there were no pleasure or dual cultivation sects here.

- Since this is my only chance to find them then I will have to do it and hope that the girls will forgive me for it.

Also, the last sentence that the voice said struck a nerve in Paul.

He was inexperienced with women and sex but he knew enough about it to understand that the man's first time was usually very short, and this was a problem for him since he didn't want to seem inadequate for his ladies.

Now he was told to go to the brothel and just get it over with.

-Well come to think of it this might not be the worst idea.

Paul thought to himself.

He was a bit reluctant to give his first time to a courtesan but on the other hand, his only other choice was to get himself a pleasure slave which he most likely would have to do anyway if he wanted to start dual cultivating.

His only other options were brothels or trying his luck with searching for female dual cultivators.

The treatment he rejected at the village was not something common so there was no way to use that way and there would be very few women who would agree to be his cultivation partner without him marrying them at least in this world.

 Paul decided to think about it when he got to town in a day or two as for right now there was a grappler bear in front of him and he had to focus on dealing with it.

Two days later he finally reached the town gate after defeating some of the wreaker beasts and avoiding the stronger ones.

The guards didn't even question him as he looked like any other mercenary so they just waved him in without even taking a good look.

The Oak town was more or less the same size as the White Falls town so he had no problem finding an Inn for the night, even though it was evening the streets were still bustling with life and the shops were open which was a bit strange but the mystery soon solved itself when he heard that this was one of the main merchant towns in this part of the province connected to the province capital city by a paved road.

That meant there was always some form of business going on and the shops were open till late at night.

Paul was too tired to go look for a brothel that night so after a supper and a bath he went straight to bed.

The next morning he went out to sell the beasts he killed on his way here as he didn't need the normal ones and only kept the meat of the spirit and magic beasts selling the rest and earning a few gold coins.

This was pocket change to him considering he had over three million gold coins sitting in his spatial device but he decided to play the role of a mercenary or an adventurer to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Paul planned to stay here for a maximum of three days before he left for the provincial capital city.

During that time he wanted to find a brothel to have his first time.

It would be easier for him to just get a street walker but they were mostly not attractive and some of them might have STD which was the last thing he needed right now.

The women in a brothel were a whole different story as they were regularly checked by a healer to avoid any problems for their clients and the loss of reputation for their workplace.

Paul even considered buying a pleasure slave but that would be suspicious and could blow his cover as there was little chance for a mercenary to buy a slave for himself.

Not to mention that he would be leaving soon and he didn't want a slave to slow him down.

He cultivated for the rest of the day in his room as the red light district was only active at night and he had nothing better to do since he didn't lack any supplies for now.

After spending most of the day cultivating he rose 1 level in mana cultivation and approached the next one but decided to stop as the sun was setting now.

Once it was dark outside Paul went out looking for a good place to get laid.

-Since this is the only chance for me then the faster I start the better.

He thought to himself.

Walking along the red light district he quickly figured out which brothels were for nobility and which were for normal people as the difference was like heaven and earth.

Paul started to consider changing his clothes to better ones for this and as he entered a dark alley to do just that he felt his cloak being pulled on.

-Mister do you want to have some fun with me?

The quiet voice belonging to a young and thin girl asked.

Paul took a closer look at the girl since he thought that he had heard this voice somewhere before.

The alley was dark so he summoned a small ball of light to get a look at the girl and once he saw her face he was shocked.

The girl's face was bruised and swollen but he would recognize her anytime and anywhere as he was looking at Anna Wieja his classmate from Poland and his secret crush when they were both in elementary school.


He said swallowing the rest of his words when she backed out in panic so fast that she hit the wall behind her and fell to the ground rolling herself into a ball while shivering in fear.

-Anna, it's me, Paul Marshal.

Paul knelt next to her and said with the most soothing voice he could muster as seeing her like this made him furious.

Hearing his name and the soothing warm voice she opened one eye to look at him and Paul took off his helmet to let her see his face.

It took a moment but soon she recognized him as her former classmate.

-Paul, Is that really you?

She asked while trying her best not to cry and she held out a trembling hand to make sure that she wasn't hallucinating.

He held her hand to assure her that he was real.

-Yes Anna I'm here.

He said trying his best to comfort her.

Hearing his words she finally busted into tears and cried uncontrollably.

Paul stayed with her and let her cry until she was ready to speak again.

This was not the classmate he remembered as a confident and cheerful girl that everyone liked.

Now she looked like she had nothing to eat for weeks her clothes were filthy, her face bruised with a nasty cut on her lower lip and who knew how many more injuries she had on her body.

The moment she stopped sobbing the girl fainted from all the abuse and lack of food.

Paul decided to help her as he couldn't just leave her here to die on the streets, he wrapped her in his other cloak and brought her to the inn.

The innkeeper was not too happy about it but the sight of a silver coin changed his attitude immediately.

Once in the room Paul lay Anna on the bed and cleaned her face with some water-soaked cloth, removing the dirt and dried blood with care as her face was in a really bad state.