Chapter 51 Caring Man.

Anna decided to learn the cultivation technique and become a cultivator before she made her decision which was not that easy and required a lot of thought considering she would not be the only woman in Paul's life which bothered her a lot.

She read the whole scroll discovering both techniques and Paul's information which surprised her.

Never in a million years would she think that he was capable of cultivating both Mana and Qi.

Anna thought that he was a mage since he only used magic in front of her.

Deciding to ask him about it later she focused on memorizing the Qi basic cultivation technique.

She never wanted to be helpless again and for that, this technique was a necessity.

Just like Paul said if she became strong enough then she would never have to worry about food, clothing, or anything else.

Once she was able to perfectly recite the whole thing without looking at the scroll she started to cultivate but she felt nothing.

Paul warned her that it required time and patience but she was not the patient type, to begin with, and got frustrated when her attempts bore no fruit.

-What the hell am I doing wrong?

She cursed after another failed attempt.

Then she heard laughter coming from behind her.

She turned around just to see Paul with an amused smile on his face.

-This is not funny.

She said with an angry voice.

-Yes it is, especially since you think that learning cultivation will take you less than two hours.

Paul said amused.

-It took me almost a week to feel any energy entering my body when I first started and that is considered extremely fast.

He didn't tell her that it was in his previous life and this time it was a few minutes.

-Yet here you are getting angry because it does not work after a short time.

He laughed.

Anna was embarrassed now, if even he had to take so long then she would most likely take even longer than that.

-Don't worry you won't have to wait for a week especially since we are leaving this town tomorrow.

I will help you.

Paul sat opposite her and took her hands.

-Close your eyes and focus on the sensation that you will soon feel, try to remember it.

He said and started to send his own Qi into her body.

This was a pleasant and warm sensation to her and she tried to focus on it unknowingly beginning to chant the technique soon she felt a similar sensation entering her body from all directions and within a few moments she had her first breakthrough.

-Congratulations you are now a cultivator.

Paul said with a smile once they opened their eyes.

-Thank you…

She wanted to say more but her words were choked with tears.

Anna wanted to hug him but he evaded her.

-Before any of that go take a bath.

Paul said while laughing when she stood there confused.

Only then did she notice the stench and the black substance covering her body.

-What is this? it's so gross.

Anna freaked out a bit.

-Calm down, this is normal for the first stage of cultivation, the black stuff that is covering your skin right now is comprised of the impurities in your body that were removed just now.

This will happen every time you level up until you reach the second stage.

This calmed her down a bit and she ran to the bathroom embarrassed that Paul saw her like this.

To her shock, there was already a bath full of hot water waiting for her.

-Ugh, that bastard knew this would happen and didn't warn me about it.

She was angry now because this was so embarrassing.

Only a moment later did she remember what she tried to do the previous night and that it was Paul to who she offered herself.

Thinking about it she was grateful to him that he didn't just use her like a whore she almost became before tossing her aside.

Remembering how much he did for her during the whole day she stopped being angry and decided to forgive him for this little prank.

After her bath, she took a good look at her body in a mirror.

-Why would he want me to be his cultivation partner when there were so many beauties who he could easily buy from the slave traders?

She asked herself seeing her reflection.

Her body was thin and her bones could be seen under her skin which was a little gray from lack of nutrients and care.

Her butt was nonexistent at this point, not like she had a sexy butt to begin with and her breasts were small which was always her biggest complex about her body.

Even her face was not as pretty as before thanks to malnourishment and lack of care.

She could not understand what he saw in her since even she thought that she was not attractive right now.

What she didn't know yet was that with proper nourishment her body would recover and cultivation would turn her into a beauty, additionally, she was just sixteen so she had a lot of time to mature.

Paul was aware of that and also he wanted to help her get out of the hell she was living in.

However, she was too prideful for her own good and even when she was desperate enough to sell her body for food she never asked for help.

So the best way he could think of was for her to become his slave and since he needed a cultivation partner then it would be even better.

Anna was unaware of any of this so she was a bit puzzled about his preferences.

-Well it's not like I have anything to complain about, he fed me, bought me clothes and equipment, and even made me into a cultivator in record time.

What's more, he doesn't mind my body being in this state, so why should it bother me that he has a girlfriend or two?

Any woman would love to have such a caring man and if he treats a slave like this then what does he do for his women?

Thinking about this she realized that sooner or later he would have dozens if not hundreds of women chasing after him.

Especially since he was intending to become a dual cultivator.

Suddenly she realized that she was getting jealous and this realization shocked her.

-Why the hell would I get jealous?

She was puzzled about her feelings.

-This has to be some kind of joke.

She said to her image in a mirror.

-Did I really fall for that guy in just one day?

This thought shocked her even more as she was always incredibly picky about her boyfriends back on earth and she scarcely even allowed them to hold her hand.

Yet here she was in another world trying to figure out if she had fallen in love with a guy she didn't even spare a second glance in school.

A knock at the bathroom door brought her back to reality.

-Anna are you alright?

Paul asked through the door.

-I'm fine; I just got a little lost in thought.

She answered realizing that her body was already dry and she was still standing naked before the mirror.

-Ok I will be leaving now so don't stay up too long and get some sleep, tomorrow we leave before noon.

Paul said and she heard him leaving the room.

She remembered that he told her he would go out in the evening and return late at night.

Wearing her new bathrobe she lay on the bed and before she even knew it she fell asleep.