Chapter 60.The Beast attack.

For the next three days, Paul and the ladies traveled without any trouble.

The only people they meet are the mercenaries and an occasional merchant with his escorts but seeing them as just another team of mercenaries nobody bothered them.

During that time they all leveled up their cultivations by quite a bit.

Paul reached level 83 in mana and level 84 in Qi cultivation, Anna reached level 21 in her Qi cultivation, and even Fei Fei managed to level up again thanks to her cultivation with Paul reaching level 15 of the mage stage, which excited her.

Paul also benefited from their cultivation but not as much thanks to their cultivation level difference.

While Fei Fei could absorb all of his Yang Qi, he could barely absorb around 3 % of her Yin qi before it dissipated.

Even with his physique, the level difference was too big for now but it still allowed him to cultivate faster and made his body stronger.

Anna and Fei Fei continued their discussions and it worked like a charm for Anna since she was able to talk to someone about her insecurities and problems.

Fei Fei was also a great listener and had thousands of years of experience so she was a great therapist and this also allowed them to bond like real sisters.

They were now nearing the White Cloud town and if he was correct they should be able to enter the town in the morning of the next day if they keep up their pace.

During their journey, Anna started to gain some weight back, and thanks to that along with the cultivation she was becoming increasingly beautiful.

However, she was still torn about the whole dual cultivation, on one hand, she was sure that she had fallen for Paul but on the other, despite the best efforts of Fei Fei to change her outlook she was still reluctant to share her man with other women.

It also didn't help that Fei Fei was cultivating with Paul every time she ran out of Yang Qi.

That evening they pitched their camp in a place from which they could see the town walls on the horizon and they were not alone as some mercenaries and merchants were using the place for a camp as well.

Paul decided to take the place near the water source as it was away from the other groups and allowed them to cultivate and take baths using screens for privacy.

-Master are we staying in this town for a day or do we just move on?

Fei Fei asked when Paul was cooking their supper.

-We will only go to the market to resupply and then we will leave for the province capital.

I don't see a reason to stay for a whole day and night since we have everything we need and our tents are more comfortable than most inns.

-The storm wave city is only about a week away so the faster we leave the sooner we arrive.

-If you both think that way then I won't argue with you.

Anna said.

She was the only one who didn't have much experience with camping but right now she would not trade the tent bed for anything especially if Paul was in it to hug her to sleep.

Also, she had to admit that Paul was a great cook and she loved to eat his dishes.

A day earlier she wanted to cook and it was a disaster.

Both Paul and Fei Fei told her that she was not cooking ever again after tasting her creation and almost puking.

After their meal, they were getting ready to cultivate when they heard a commotion coming from the direction of one of the other groups.

Everyone on the site looked in that direction and went pale once they saw a massive group of different spirit beasts ripping others to shreds and dispersing throughout the place.

Paul immediately took out his bow and started shooting arrows at the beasts, Fei Fei did the same and Anna joined them once she managed to get over her shock at the gruesome scene.

The others that still had some distance from the beasts also joined in and those that were too close took out their weapons and met the beasts face to face in close quarters combat.

Within less than two minutes everyone present was ready and fighting.

Paul chose targets that were posing the most threat to the fighting people and eliminated them one by one.

Fei Fei who had not held a bow in decades chose the beasts that were further back to not hurt someone by accident.

Anna had a bit of a problem with killing but that changed when a two-tailed spirit wolf ran straight at her and she had no choice but to shoot it.

Only then did she finally understand what Paul and Fei Fei tried to teach her about the kill-or-be-killed rule and she decided that she didn't want to be a victim anymore.

She put three arrows into the wolf before it finally died and then she started to aim her arrows at the beasts that were gaining an upper hand over the mele fighters taking them out as quickly as she was able to.

At that moment she changed and there was no coming back to her innocent life.

-Anna catch.

Paul shouted and tossed her two quivers filled with rock crusher arrows.

-Use them, they will work better than the ones you have now.

He added and continued to release arrows into the beast horde.

Up til that moment, she used normal arrows imbued with some of her Qi but the arrows she just received didn't need any Qi and she started to eliminate the beasts with each shot instead of two or three.

Since the spirit beasts were somewhat intelligent they quickly located the three of them as their arrows killed many of their comrades.

When Paul saw a big group that was going in their direction he switched targets and started to eliminate them as fast as he could.

Anna and

Fei Fei did the same, they felt sorry for all the people that they left without support but their top priority was their own survival right now.

The three of them managed to kill off half of the group that was speeding their way before the beasts got too close and Paul decided to switch to his sword.

-Fei Fei, watch Anna's back, make sure that nothing gets close to her.

He ordered preparing a water ball with his left hand while holding the sword in his right.

-Yes master.

The woman said and got closer to the girl.

Anna was the least experienced in close combat and Paul didn't want to check if she could fight a beast with her daggers.

Paul released the water ball over the beasts making it burst directly above them.

It didn't do any damage but all the beasts were now drenched in water.

This was his plan as a moment later he released a lightning spell that hit the group and even fried some of the weaker beasts, paralyzing the rest for a moment.

That moment was enough for him to charge in and start killing one beast after the other.

Before the paralysis effect wore off there were only three beasts left alive in the whole group and they didn't last long as Anna shot one and Paul beheaded the remaining two.

Once this group was dealt with they directed their attention back to the rest of the people and they mostly dealt with the beasts by then.

There were still some people fighting with beasts but the archers were picking them off one by one and now that Paul, Fei Fei, and Anna could join them again they made short work of the remaining beasts.