Chapter 71 Renting a Mansion Again.

They left the White Cloud town the next morning, the guards at the gate didn't even ask them for identification since they all knew who Paul was and that the women with him were his slaves.

Paul, Anna, and FeiFei made their preparations the previous day which mainly meant restocking the arrows since they had used up all of theirs during the beast attack.

Their days on the road were peaceful and that allowed them to raise their cultivation by a few more levels.

Before they arrived at The Storm Wave City Paul had reached level 84 in mana and 83 in Qi cultivation.

At the same time, Anna reached level 41 in her Qi cultivation, it was getting harder and harder for her to level up but this was great progress and if she wanted to cultivate faster then all she had to do was to give herself to Paul but she was still reluctant to do that since she was still trying to get over the whole idea of sharing her man.

Even Fei Fei managed to level up thanks to her cultivation sessions with Paul and she had to admit that the young man was getting better and better at satisfying her in bed and along with his level the quantity of energy she could extract from his Yang Qi also increased helping her in reaching level 16 of the Mage stage.

Fei Fei wanted to expedite the process of cultivating but there was nothing that she could do until Paul reached the bone refinement stage and a lesser mage stage in his cultivation.

Luckily she would not have to wait too much longer with his progress.

Another good thing was that the stronger he became the more of her Yin Qi he could absorb which in turn made his cultivation progress faster.

They arrived at the city in the morning so without even trying to find an inn Paul just asked around and found a mansion for rent.

The owner was a woman and she didn't care for anything else other than the money for rent.

Paul decided to let Fei Fei sign the contract as he didn't want to leave his name on any documents for now.

This was aimed at making it more difficult to find him if someone was looking.

Their new home was bigger than the mansion he owned in White Falls town and the price was also higher but in the end, it was worth it to pay ten gold coins for two months and the owner said she would even send maids over every two days to tidy the place up or if they wanted then they could just buy a few slaves at the market to work for them.

-Well if you want to buy a better slave then you might as well wait for a week and take part in the slave auction.

It was postponed because of the beast's attacks but I heard that it would take place in a week.

The owner said.

-Don't you need an invitation to such an event?

Fei Fei asked.

-If you want to participate then just notify me and I will take care of it for you, this is the biggest auction in this province and it's held only once every two years so you are Quite lucky to arrive just before it starts.

The woman said.

-Then please get the invitations for us and we will see if there are some slaves worth bidding on.

Fei Fei said with a pleasant smile.

-Of course, the invitations will arrive within two or three days.

The woman said happily.

She was trying to get as many rich people to attend because her husband was one of the slave traders who sold people at this auction.

Fei Fei and her companions were definitely not poor since they didn't even try to negotiate the price of the mansion and also their clothes were not something that a regular person could afford.

-Why do you want to go to the slave auction?

Anna asked Fei Fei when the owner of the place left.

-Because we do need some servants for the mansion and besides, this kind of event is a great place to see who is who in this city.

Fein Fei explained her motives.

-Fei Fei is right and we need to find out which people are powerful and influential if we want to stay in this city for two months.

Paul added.

He has been thinking about buying a pleasure slave closer to his cultivation level ever since Fei Fei explained why he was unable to use all of her Yin Qi despite his physique.

This auction was a great opportunity to find some suitable slaves for their mansion and maybe if he was lucky to get a pleasure slave he needed to reach the second stage of cultivation faster.

-But we won't be staying here for too long so what are you planning to do with them once we leave?

The girl asked with a displeased voice.

Anna was not too happy about the prospect of buying people like they were just merchandise.

-When we leave, we can sell them or set them free if we feel like it.

Fei Fei explained.

She was aware that Anna was not a big fan of slavery despite being a slave herself and with a master like Paul their slavery was better than most free people's lives.

The last option gained Anna's approval, if they could return their freedom then she was not against buying some slaves.

Seeing her reaction both Paul and Fei Fei were amused.

In this world, slavery was so deeply ingrained into people's everyday lives that it was impossible to get rid of it and many slaves were selling themselves into slavery for one reason or the other.

There was however a special rule about the slave's children as they were not forced into slavery for their whole lives but once they reached adulthood they were given their freedom to do what they wanted and it was not rare that the children later bought out their parents from slavery.

-Let's worry about it later and for now, we need to unpack and go shopping.

Fei Fei said with a smile.

At first, Anna was happy to hear about the shopping trip but just a moment later she remembered that she was a slave and had no money.

-Don't worry little sister, I have more money than I know what to do with so there is no need to feel down about lack of funds.

Fei Fei hugged her trying to cheer her up.

-But these are your money, not mine.

Anna said, she loved shopping but she didn't want to rely on Fei Fei or Paul for her things more than she already was.

Paul burst into laughter which earned him two glares from the ladies.

-Anna if you want to have your own money then why don't you sell the beasts that you took from the battlefield?

Hearing his words both ladies were shocked.

They had forgotten about the beast corpses they had in their spatial devices and Anna had even more in her storage space.

Seeing their shocked expressions made Paul laugh even harder.

-You do know that most of the beasts we collected were stage one and two beasts so you should earn a lot of money if you sell them.

Paul continued, with an amused tone.

He was sure she would have at least one or two stage three beasts in her storage.

-I will even come with you since I need to sell some of the corpses as well to make some room in my spatial device.

But before that let us see what kinds of beasts we have.

I'd like to keep some for us as food since they can help with our cultivation.

Paul said and a moment later they all started to sort through the beasts selecting the ones for sale and the ones to keep.