Chapter 81 Tears of Relief.

Looking at the bidders trying their best to win Wu Yin, Paul decided to resolve this as soon as possible.


He said once the price reached 350 gold coins.

This surprised everyone even the host.

Jumping the bid by 150 gold coins directly indicated that Paul meant business and all the small fries should just shut up and not interfere.

But some people still wanted to try their luck so the bids went up.





Paul dropped another bombshell making everyone look at his private room in disbelief.

Even if the girl was really from the Wu clan there was no way that she would be worth this much without any confirmation that she has the physique.

Even Anna and Fei Fei were surprised by Paul's actions.

-Why did you bid so high?

Fei Fei asked.

-I wanted to end this fast before some of the people forgot themselves and went into a bidding frenzy.

Paul explained.

-What is a bidding frenzy?

Anna asked since this was her first time hearing this term.

-It's the state in which people start bidding without any restraints, no matter if the item or a slave is worth the money, they just have to get it and will bid for as long as they have the money.

Fei Fei explained.

-If the bidding frenzy started, we would have no chance to buy Wu Yin.

I may be rich but compared to many families that have lived in this city for centuries I'm nothing and even if Fei Fei added her assets we would still most likely lose the bid.

Paul said seriously.

He wanted to avoid this scenario and he succeded by shocking everyone.

-1000 gold coins, does anybody wish to pay more?

The host said once he got his voice back.

Hearing his voice everyone got back to reality but nobody wanted to compete with Paul since he raised the bar a bit too high and the girl was not worth this much anyway.

-1000 going once.

The host announced looking around the place to see if anyone wanted to bid.

-1000 going twice, this is the last chance if anyone wishes to bid.

The host said but no one even bothered guessing that even if they tried then the man from the private room would just amp up the price even more.

besides nobody wanted to lose this much money if it turned out that the girl didn't have the physique.

Normally Paul would not pay this much for any slave but since he promised to buy her he would keep his word like he always did.

Anything less would be an insult to his late stepfather who taught him to always keep his word and that was unacceptable.

-1000 gold coins going thrice.

The host said after a moment.

-Sold to the gentleman in the private room.

He said with a smile as he just got himself a big fat bonus for this sale.

Wu Yin was taken off the stage and another slave was brought in to be sold but Paul was uninterested.

There were some exotic women sold and even a few beast girls from different races but not one of them was anywhere close to what He needed at the moment so he passed.

The star of the whole auction was a young miss from a well-known family that was destroyed by their enemies and as the last surviving female descendant she could reveal many secrets to her new master but Paul was not interested in the slightest.

-It seems that tomorrow we need to go to the slave market to buy the slaves that we need.

Fei Fei said once the auction ended.

-Yes but we didn't waste our time coming here.

Paul agreed.

-I was a bit shocked that Wei Lan and Wu Yin were sold in this auction but I'm happy we managed to buy them.

We might have only known them for a short time during the siege but I like them.

Fei Fei said.

-Also now I will have two new younger sisters.

She said happily.

Paul had no idea why she was so obsessed with having younger sisters but if it made her happy he would not pry into it.

After that, they went to pay for Wei Lan and Wu Yin.

-Did you bring your brand with you?

The servant who was responsible for the payments asked when Paul gave her the money.

-I don't use branding on my slaves so there is no need for that.

He answered.

The woman was a bit surprised but it was not her problem what the new owner did with his slaves as long as he paid for them.

-Your slaves are waiting in room number nine.

The woman said and moved on to the next person.

Walking down the corridor they heard a lot of screams coming from the rooms which were the sign of the slaves being branded by their new masters.

Fei Fei and Paul were unfazed by this but Anna jumped every time a slave screamed in pain.

She now realized just how lucky she was that Paul never used branding and chose to use magic marks instead.

Wei Lan and Wu Yin jumped when the doors to the room were opened.

both of them knew that what comes after being sold is the branding which they were terrified of.

The girls were chained to the wall so that they could not escape and they could barely move.

This was so that the branding could go smoothly and without any incident.

Along with them, a servant was waiting inside with the coals prepared to heat up the brand.

-Young master.

The servant greeted him with a bow.

-Please insert your brand into the coals so we can start the branding.

She said with an emotionless voice.

This woman saw too many brandings to even care to remember them all.

Wei Lan and Wu Yin had their eyes covered especially so that they would not try to move while being branded so they had no idea who their new master was until they heard his voice.

-There is no need for this, I don't use brands on my slaves.

Paul said.

Both girls knew this voice and they instantly remembered the two friends they made while defending the White Cloud town along with their master who was unusual, to say the least.

-As you wish young master.

The woman said and handed him two keys.

-These keys open up the restraints, please just leave them inside the locks once you are done.

The servant said and left the room.

Paul approached the two chained girls and removed their blindfolds.

-Well ladies we meet again.

He said with a smile.

Both ladies could not hide their tears of relief when they confirmed that it was really Paul Anna and Fei Fei who came for them.