Chapter 86 Big sister.

Fei Fei returned to her post at the bedroom door a few minutes later.

-Did he come out yet?

She ashed the three ladies guarding the place in her absence.

-Not Yet but we all felt the energy when he finally broke through.

Anna answered with a bit of worry in her voice.

-Don't worry he is probably stabilizing the Qi vortex now, give it a few minutes.

Fei Fei said trying to calm the younger woman down.

-If you say so.

Ana said with relief in her voice.

-Anyway what was all the commotion at the gate about?

-Just a bunch of young idiots making a bit of a ruckus, I already dealt with them.

Seeing that she was unbothered about it they all decided to forget about it.

Just as Anna, Lan, and Yin were about to return to their archery practice which was interrupted they heard a sound of something heavy hitting the floor inside the room.

All four ladies immediately barged inside only to find unconscious Paul lying on the floor.

-Help me lift him onto a bed.

Anna said to the rest.

Every one of them could do it alone without a problem but they did it together anyway.

-You said that he was stabilizing his vortex so why is he unconscious now?

Anna asked Fei Fei.

-Anna calm down, remember that he just spent the last two days breaking through in both of his cultivations.

Doing it once is exhausting and he just managed to do it twice in a row, he just fainted from exhaustion.

Fei Fei explained, making Anna who was starting to freak out calm down.

After checking his breathing and pulse she also sighted in relief.

-He is just sleeping so let's leave him to get some rest for now.

The ladies left the room not wanting to disturb the slumbering man.

In the other part of the city, the young man Luo Kang returned home and went straight to look for his grandfather.

Words spoken by Fei Fei confused him a lot and he needed to know who was that woman.

As luck would have it, his grandfather was in the garden along with his grandmother and parents enjoying tea.

-Kang'er come join us.

His father called, seeing his son.

Once he arrived he had a hard time starting the conversation as he didn't want to portray himself as an arrogant kid who just got dismissed by some random woman.

-Grandfather, do you know of a woman who calls herself Madam Fei?

He decided to ask without beating around the bush.

Hearing his words both his grandparents were shocked.

-Kang'er where did you hear this name?

His grandfather asked visibly shaken.

He told the whole story omitting the parts where he was an arrogant douchebag, portraying himself as a person who politely asked instead of demanding.

-Kang'er stop the bullshit.

His grandmother said angrily.

-If it was sister Fei then she would not just randomly say such things and if you insulted her, I will personally skin you alive, so you better fess up.

Luo Kang was shocked, his grandmother who was always a virtuous and kind woman suddenly started talking like a mercenary at a tavern and she was furious with him for the first time in his life.

He was so surprised that he told the whole truth without even realizing it.


His grandfather slapped him and sent him flying.

-You little bastard, why the hell did you have to go and insult her?

Didn't we teach you not to insult people?

The old man was furious and even his son was surprised as he never saw his father so angry and his mother looked like she was about to start a blood bath at any moment.

-Father what is going on? who is this woman?

The city lord asked shocked that his father hit his son as this had never happened before.

-She is the only person I acknowledge as my older sister, we met over a hundred years ago and it was thanks to her that I was able to marry your father.

His mother said furiously.

-More than that, she saved our lives more than once not to mention all the help she provided when we needed it the most, and no one was willing to even lift a finger to help us.

His father added, not any less furious than his wife.

It was not hard to guess that both his parents respected this woman a lot and now he understood their anger.

This was a great disgrace for their descendant to try and kick their benefactor out of their mansion just because they wanted to have a party there.

Moreover, this was a woman who his mother called Big sister and she never called anyone a sister much less a big sister.

-Where is she right now?

The grandmother asked looking at her grandson like she wanted to rip him apart.

-She lives with her master and a few servants at the mansion that we use every year for my sister's birthday party.

The young man said with difficulty as his grandfather didn't hold back when he slapped him making half of his face swollen.

This was his first time seeing his grandparents so angry and he almost peed himself from fear.


Four armed people came running at the call of the city lord.

-Take this disgrace and lock him up in his courtyard, half a year on water and bread, and if I hear that someone is secretly sending him food I will have your heads.

Hearing the command all four guards trembled as they rarely saw the city lord so angry.

-Yes my lord.

Was their only answer and they took Luo Kang with them to execute the punishment.

-I want to go see her.

The city lord's mother said the moment her grandson was out of her sight.

-Mother let's wait for a day or two.

Keng'er said that her master was in seclusion so we better not intrude right now.

The city lord said after calming down a bit.

-He's right, I don't know who the person that can become her master is but if he is in seclusion then it's better to wait until he is finished.

Her husband said.


The old man said and a figure dressed fully in black appeared before him.

-Go and investigate this matter I want to know everything about the people living in that mansion.

-As you command.

The man said and vanished just as quickly as he appeared.