Once they were alone in the room, Paul tried to see if everything was alright with her body but he could not touch her.
She had erected a barrier around her body which surprised him.
-Listen, young lady, I'm the one who healed you so could you lower the barrier and let me examine you?
Paul asked.
No reaction.
It was as if she didn't even hear him or detect his presence, she was in her own world and the barrier protected her from the outside world.
Paul could break the barrier by simply draining it of its power or just putting enough pressure on it to break it but he was almost sure that if he tried it, he would get attacked.
-I know that you have been through a lot and you're afraid of getting hurt again but I have no intention of hurting you, especially after I put so much effort into healing you.
Paul tried again.
Still no reaction.
He was a bit out of his depth in this situation as he had no idea how to make her react and the only way he could help her was if she reacted to anything he said or did.
-Do you intend to ignore everyone and everything around you?
Paul asked, but he didn't get any reaction from her.
For the next hour or so he tried different tactics to at least make her look at him.
It frustrated him to no end that no matter what he said there was no reaction.
Finally, he gave up, there was no sense in prolonging it, he got what he wanted and had done everything in his power to heal her, but getting through to her was not something he could do.
-Since you want to stay like this then so be it, but just so you know, staying in this state is the same as letting the bastards who hurt you win.
I won't bother you anymore, goodbye.
Paul said and got up to leave, however, the moment he tried to open the door the same barrier that surrounded the woman repealed him from the exit, trapping him in the room.
-Oh come on.
You won't even look at me and now you trap me here?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Paul said angrily, turning in her direction, only to be rooted in place at the sight of tears falling from her eyes.
- Don't go.
She said, her voice barely a whisper but he heard it loud and clear.
Only then did he realize that his last words must have gotten through to her.
Paul returned to the chair he had been sitting on previously.
-Will you allow me to examine you now?
He asked.
A moment later the barrier on her body disappeared like it was never there.
Paul used the same technique he used before to see if her body was alright after the procedure and to his surprise, her body was getting better much faster than he predicted.
When he was about to take his hand away, she grabbed it with both hands and held on to it for dear life.
-Don't go, don't leave me…
She didn't finish the sentence as she fell asleep.
Paul was surprised by this development but since she at least reacted then he would not leave now.
The moment she fell asleep the barrier surrounding the room disappeared and soon the province lord and his wife barged in with guards and maids.
The province lord's words got stuck in his throat the moment he saw the scene before him.
One of the guards was about to yell at him to let go of the young lady but one look from their lord shut them up.
-How did you do it?
The province lord's wife asked quietly not daring to interrupt her daughter's sleep.
-To be honest, I have no idea, I was about to quit since nothing I said worked and she enveloped herself in a barrier.
Before I left I said that her staying like this was the same as letting the bastards who did it to her win.
The next thing I knew, the whole room was enveloped in a barrier trapping me here and she started to shed tears asking me to stay.
She even allowed me to examine her, after which she grabbed my hand and fell asleep.
Everyone was shocked at his words but the best proof was that it was not him holding her hand but the other way around and it didn't look like she was going to let go anytime soon.
-Once again you did more in an hour than we did since she woke up.
The province lord said, trying to hold back his tears.
-The lord is praising me too much.
Paul answered.
-Both times, I just got lucky.
-Lucky or not, you healed her and now you even made her react to you, which is more than anyone managed to do for the last five years.
You can also stop calling me lord.
If you were a bit older I would love to call you brother but since you are way younger, from now on you can call me Uncle Xiao Han.
The province lord said.
Everyone in the room gasped, this was the first time their lord allowed something like this to someone to who he was not related by blood.
This was a great honor and Paul knew that, also he had no intention of rejecting it as this would be a great insult to Xiao Han.
He tried to take coup his hands as was the custom but he was unable to free the hand held by the young lady.
-Paul Marshal, greets you uncle.
He said, without coupling his hands which everyone understood.
-In that case, you can call me Aunt Liu Lili.
The lord's wife said and Paul repeated his greeting.
This time everyone was just speechless, their master and mistress had just gotten themselves a nephew out of nowhere.
-Well Paul, Meet your new cousin, Xiao Su.
Liu Lili said, remembering that previously he never asked for her daughter's name.
Paul was as surprised as the rest of the people but it somehow felt right to accept them as his family.
Moreover, it was mostly, their way of expressing their gratitude toward him for what he has done for all of them.
-Uncle, Aunty, we need to talk later but for now, can you send someone to my mansion to wait for the ladies and tell Fei Fei to come here?
Paul asked as he had an idea.
-Certainly but why do you need her?
Xiao Han asked.
-Because she might be able to help Xiao Su once she wakes up.
I might be wrong but what she needs right now is a big sister more than a healer and Fei Fei treats almost everyone as her little sisters so this may be a solution that we need right now.
Paul explained.
-Also it helps that she is a few thousand years old and if anyone has experience in dealing with this kind of trauma, it would be her.
-You heard him, get two guards as escorts and go.
Su Lili said to one of the maids.
-As you wish.
The maid and two guards left immediately.