Chapter 98 What Realy Happened.

At the same time, Paul told his whole story to Liu Lili and Xiao Han, if they wanted to accept him as a part of the family, then they deserved to know everything so that they would not regret it later.

To say that they were shocked would be an understatement.

After the shock dissipated, they both became angry, not at Paul but at his biological father and his family.

Both of them cherished family as the greatest treasure and the mere thought of using their child for their gain was nothing short of infuriating and that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Xiao Ha even wanted to send a notice that they were criminals and should be executed, but Paul stopped him.

-Uncle there is no evidence and most of what they did was either in my old world or before I went back in time.

Paul pointed out.

-But there has to be something that can be done, they can't just live peacefully, avoiding responsibility for their actions.

Outraged Xiao Han said.

-Don't worry about that, uncle.

They will get what's coming to them and no law will be able to protect them from me.

Paul said coldly.

Both Xiao Han and Liu Lili looked at him like he was crazy.

-You know that there is a strict law in the imperial capital, and I won't be able to help you there if you break it.

-I won't break any law, I don't need to do it to get them all.

As the only surviving member of the Marshal family, I have the right to vengeance, especially if my mother was violated and murdered.

Paul said.

-That is a very old law, but you need proof of your claims to invoke this law.

Liu Lili said.

-Aunty, I am the best proof of what that bastard did to my mother and nobody can refute this as long as I exist.

As for his wife killing my mother and stepfather, that can be easily proven, all I need to do is to capture her servant or herself and turn them into a slave to testify under orders, this would be enough to prove my claims.

Hearing his plans they were both surprised since they never even considered this approach.

-Since you have it all planned out then so be it, We can't help you much with this but we won't stop you from getting justice.

-I never intended to ask for your help in this matter, but since you took me as a part of your family, it's only fair that you know more about me and what I plan to do.

To be exact, he never even thought that they would take him as their nephew.

-Whatever the case is, I'm happy that you shared your, story with us.

Lili said.

In her eyes, this meant that he accepted them as his relatives which made her even happier.

She always wanted to give her husband a son, but after their daughter was born they could never conceive again, but now they got themselves a nephew which made the couple very happy.

At this moment a servant entered the room.

-My lord, my lady, the young lady is requesting your presence in her room as well as the young master's presence.

The servant said respectfully.

-Thank you.

 All three of them said at the same time and burst into laughter a moment later.

-That was fast, how did this woman do it?

Xiao Han asked Paul on their way.

-Fei Fei is a natural at becoming a big sister and if I'm right she just got herself another little sister.

-I'm happy that Su is getting better, but it frustrates me that it was not me who made that happen.

Liu Lili said.

-Aunty I told you before, that most of the time it is easier to confide in a sibling than a parent.

Fei Fei might not be her sister by blood, but I won't be surprised if the cousin calls her big sister, in the end, all the ladies at my mansion call her that.

Paul explained.

When they entered the room they saw Xiao Su still in Fei Fei's arms.

She had red and puffy eyes from all the crying but now she was calm.

-Mother, Father.

She said when she saw them, both of her parents rushed to hug her.

For the next few minutes, they hugged and there were tears all around again.

Both Xiao Han and Liu Lili apologized over and over again for not being able to protect her.

After everyone calmed down Xiao Su looked like she wanted to say something but could not find the words.

-Take it easy little sister, stay calm, and say what you need to say.

Fei Fei said, seeing her unease.

After a moment she took a deep breath.

-It was Sima Feng who sold me out, and this had nothing to do with the young master of the Yuki clan.

Xiao Su finally said.

Both her parents were shocked at this news.

-We thought, that Feng died protecting you.

Xiao Han said.

-No, he died because he was no longer useful to them once he delivered me.

They baited him into doing so with a promise of taking him to a sect in the third realm and making him a disciple there but the moment they had me, they killed him stating that they don't need traitors in their sect.

Xiao Su said with tears in her eyes.

It was difficult for her to admit that the man she loved sold her out and she jumped into the trap like an idiot.

-But we never offended anyone from the third realm, we had never even been there so why did they do it?

Liu Lili asked through her tears.

-They heard from someone about my physique and wanted to steal it for their sect master's disciple.

Xiao Su said.

- But that would kill you.

Her father said, getting pale at the mere thought.

-I know, that's why I didn't agree to transfer my physique and that was the reason they tortured and raped me, they wanted to force me into agreeing and since they could not, they trapped me inside of my own body.

She said, trying very hard not to start crying again at the painful memories.

-The most important part is that they said, they would be back in about seven years and then they won't need my permission to take it.

She finished with a voice full of despair.

The last thing she wanted was to meet them again.

-Which sect were they from?

Paul asked suddenly.

-They told me that they were disciples of the divine needle sect.

Hearing this name Fei Fei clenched her fists and started shaking from anger.