Chapter 101 Couldn’t Wait…

-What is it, Fei Fei?

Paul asked

-The city lord sent a servant to see you.

She answered.

-I'll be right there.

He said getting out of bed and starting to put his clothes on.

Fei Fei didn't stick around not wanting to embarrass Anna even more.

-Greetings, young master.

The servant greeted him when he came down.

-My master wishes to invite you and Madam Fei to a banquet, that will take place tonight at his mansion.

The man presented Paul with invitation scrolls.

-Thank your master and tell him we will attend.

Paul said taking the scrolls.

This was a surprise but once he thought about it, it was not strange since now he had connections to the province lord, and also Fei Fei was a good friend of the city lord's parents.

The servant left a moment later while Paul read the invitations.

To his surprise, the banquet was a welcome-back party for Cai Xiao's sister and her niece.

Such an occasion required a gift but he had no idea what would be appropriate.

Not to mention that finding gifts for people was always his great weakness.

On earth, he could bypass this by simply gifting some cash in an envelope and be done with it, but in this world, that wouldn't fly.

-Don't tell me that you are worried about the banquet.

Fei Fei said, seeing his expression.

-The banquet itself is not the problem, the gift is what troubles me since I don't know these women and also I was never good at picking presents.

-Why are you so stupid when it comes to such simple matters?

Fei Fei asked, trying her best not to laugh.

It was truly comical seeing a man who never flinched in a life-or-death situation being troubled by something as simple as a gift.

-The answer is simple, ask your aunt or cousin and I'm sure they will help you find appropriate gifts.

Paul never even considered asking them for help but now that Fei Fei pointed it out, he wanted to kick himself for being blind to an obvious solution to his problem.

-Then what are you going to do about a gift?

He asked.

-I don't have the same problem as you since I'm also a woman and can easily gift them some jewelry and be done with it.

He had to admit that she had a point.

If he tried something similar, then his intentions could be misunderstood, as usually when a man gifted the jewelry to a woman, it was a sign that he was courting her.

-I hope that Aunty or Su will have an idea or I might have a problem.

He sighed.

-Don't worry about it, I'm sure they will be able to help you, and if they can't, I can always ask Jing Su for help with this matter.

Fei Fei said.

-Also I have something to ask you before we go to the province lord's mansion.

She added.

Seeing the change in her demeanor as she was now a bit nervous, Paul could already guess what she wanted to ask him.

So before she could even ask, he removed her slavery mark, surprising her.

-Yes I will accept you as my woman.

He said with an amused smile.

Fei Fei was shocked and unable to say anything.

She tried to find words but it only made her look like fish that was taken out of water.

-How did you know?

She finally asked.

-You told me yourself when you brought me to the bedroom after the whole thing with my reincarnation soul.

Paul explained, still amused at the pure disbelief written all over her face.

She was surprised again because she had thought that he was unconscious at the time.

-Also if you do not want me to know about who wants to become my woman first, then you should not be so loud when you discuss it.

Paul added with a smile and this time Fei Fei blushed.

She had no idea that he had heard everything and it was embarrassing when he pointed it out.

-Wait, you were in the bedroom when we discussed it.

She said, remembering that he was nowhere near them at that time.

-That may be true but you discussed it amongst yourselves many times and I just happened to overhear a few of your conversations.

He said still amused.

She wanted to say something but yelped when he suddenly pulled her into his embrace and cowered her lips with his own, surprising her once more.

-Now be a good girl and accept that from now on you are mine forever.

He said once she was out of breath.

His possessive words made her heart melt.

-You just couldn't wait, could you?

Anna's voice rang out from behind them as she entered the room.

-Believe it or not, I wanted to wait with this till tomorrow and just wanted to ask him to get my freedom back before the banquet.

It's not my fault that he heard us discuss things and misunderstood the situation.

Fei Fei said apologetically while shifting all the blame to Paul.

It was Paul's turn to be embarrassed, if what she said was true then he really did jump the gun right now.

Anna sighed.

-What's done is done, so there is no point in fussing about it.

We might as well call Lan and Yin to get it all done in one fell swoop.

She proposed.

-These two can't become my women for now.

Paul said and raised his hand to stop the two of them from scolding him.

-Let me finish, there is a good reason for this.

He said to calm both women down as they were getting ready to explode on him.

-I don't have a problem with the two of them becoming my women, but for now, they have to remain slaves for their own good.

If you recall what they said about their physiques, they would not be able to stay in my vicinity after I take their first time or they would not be able to stop themselves from cultivating with me.

But if they remain my slaves then I can use the contract to forcibly order them to cultivate back to the second stage and use their clan's technique to regain control of themselves.

Paul explained his plan for the two of them.

Additionally, they won't have to start their cultivation from scratch as all I have to do is stop them just after their cultivation drops to the peak of the first stage.

That way both of them should be able to get back to the second stage within a few days and start using the technique.