Chapter 104 Preparations.

Paul was a little worried that the ladies would not get along but it proved unnecessary.

When he went to see how things were going he heard them chatting and laughing like they had known each other for years.

This was also his mistake as the ladies sensed his presence and he was drafted to help prepare their party.

-I want to eat some fast food and Su never even heard about it so I want to let her taste it.

Anna said once he was sitting in Su's room.

-And since I can't cook and Natalie is the same, so you will have to do it.

She continued like it was a done deal.

Paul was speechless, she just become his woman and was already bossing him around.

-Don't you even dare to refuse, in the end, it was your idea.

Natalie added when he wanted to protest.

He laughed out loud.

-Ok ladies, I will make them for you the moment you get me the ingredients.

His words stunned them both.

In their enthusiasm, they forgot that this was not Earth and that the ingredients they needed might not even exist in this world.

Both girls became sad since they were hyped up about having some of their favorite fast foods.

Actually, Paul was just messing with them as he already knew which ingredients he would need to prepare some snacks, but he wanted to teach them a lesson for bossing him around.

-Would you settle for some french fries and chips added with some finger food and a few other snacks?

He finally asked, surprising them.

-I won't be able to make a pizza, burgers, or hotdogs but I can make these and I will even add some fish and meatballs.

-You bastard, you did it on purpose.

Anna said angrily.

-That's what you get for trying to boss me around.

He retorted leaving her speechless.

Only after he pointed it out, did both girls understand that they did try to boss him around without even realizing it.

-I'm sorry.

Anna said. 

-I got too excited thinking about the party and it is your idea so help us prepare it.

Pretty please.

She said shifting from remorse to puppy-eyed pleading.

-I already said I would help, but I need to know how many portions to prepare.

Paul said.

Only then did they look at Xiao Su who was watching their interactions wide-eyed.

She was stunned that Paul had not slapped the daylights out of Anna for her behavior and disrespect towards him and more than that he even agreed to her request to cook for them.

-What's going on here?

She asked quietly, not understanding the situation at all.

-What do you mean?

Natalie asked.

-You all, this situation all of it.

Su said, not able to decide what she would want to know first.

Seeing this Paul started laughing again.

-I'll leave it to these two to explain.

Now tell me how much food you want as I don't have all day to prepare it all.

He asked as he still had to prepare for the banquet.

Luckily Liu Lili helped him with the gift problem and it saved him a lot of time and effort but preparing everything would take a while.

-I think that three or four of my friends might come so I think that eight people is the maximum that will be here.

Xiao Su said after some thought.

-Ok so just to be on the safe side I will make enough for ten people.

Paul said and left to hijack the kitchen.

All the cooks were terrified when he entered and started to prepare some dishes but Xiao Han explained the situation putting everyone at ease.

It took him over three hours to prepare everything, fortunately, the kitchen had everything he needed and all the staff helped him once he explained to them what needed to be done.

In the end, he left the instructions about how to prepare the dishes that needed to be made right before serving and left the kitchen.

-Ladies, everything is ready, all you need to do is ask and the kitchen staff will serve it.

Paul stopped at Su's room on his way out.

-And this.

He said taking a box from his storage space.

-Is for all of you.

-What is it?

Anna asked.

-See for yourself.

She opened the box to find a dozen small 0.3L bottles of wine.


She asked him.

-That's my little present for your party, but if you rat me out then forget about my help in the future.

Especially you Natalie, If Irine hears about it, we are both dead.

-I'm not a snitch, not to mention that Mother would skin me alive if she ever found out.

The girl said as if she was being wronged.

All three ladies agreed that this little gift would remain a secret among them.

After that, he left the mansion to get ready for the banquet since it was an afternoon already.

He arrived a the mansion to find Fei Fei who was still frantically trying to choose a dress for the occasion.

Not wanting to get involved in the mess he decided to get himself ready and he was more than ready for a long hot bath.

The afternoon went by so quickly that Paul barely noticed it and before he knew it it was almost time to leave.

Looking at himself in the mirror he could barely recognize himself as he looked nothing like the malnourished skinny kid who was sent to this world.

Right now he was a handsome young man dressed in a black outfit decorated with silver thread and the only different thing from his previous life was his hair, which was still short but he could now correct it with magic.

All it took was a spell and his hair started to grow many times faster, reaching his waist within a few minutes.

Happy with his looks he went down to wait for Fei Fei who was still not ready yet, despite the help of Irine and Rina.

It always amused him that all he needed was a bath and a few minutes to get ready while the ladies would spend the whole day and most of the time he would still have to wait for them.