Chapter 109 Bloodthirsty monster.

The next morning Fei Fei was still asleep after a rough night, while Paul finally used his new cultivation technique and it surprised him how powerful it was.

He gained a level within a matter of minutes and it was just the beginning as he managed to reach the sixth level in around an hour.

The cherry on top was that he gained levels simultaneously in both of his cultivations no matter which one he cultivated.

The biggest surprise however was that he had gained so much with only one cultivation session while FeiFei had just reseted her cultivation back to the beginning.

Once he was finished he went downstairs to see how their guests had been doing.

All four of them were now sitting calmly in their chair without moving, their eyes dim and their faces devoid of any expression.

This meant that the spell did its job and their wills were now broken, making them Paul's slaves.

Paul cut the ropes that bound them and all of them immediately kneeled and bowed hitting the floor with their heads.

-These slaves, greet the master.

They all said at the same time like it was rehearsed.

-Raise your heads.

They did as commanded without getting up from their knees.

-Speak, why did you want to take Nia and Lia?

Paul asked, taking a seat on a chair before them.

- Answering to master.

We were ordered to take them by the young master of the Meng family.

The woman answered.

-What were you supposed to do with them once you captured them?

-Answering to master.

We were ordered to bring them to the mansion that the young master of the Meng family just bought.

This time it was one of the men that answered.

-What did he intend to do with them?

-Answering to master.

The young master of the Meng family wanted them to be his pleasure slaves.

Another man said.

-What is your relationship with the Meng's family young master?

Paul asked.

This was a bit tedious but since they were forced into slavery, they only did what they were told and they did it to the letter.

Nothing more or less.

-Answering to master.

I was his maid and a mistress.

The woman said.

-Answering to master.

We are mercenaries he hired for this job.

All three men answered unanimously.

-Is he the man who married Nia's and Lia's previous owner?

-Answering to master.

Yes, he is.

-Did he marry her to get close to these two?

-Answering to master.


-Why did he insist on selling them then?

Paul asked as this made little sense.

-Answering to master.

He wanted to secretly buy them for himself a few days later.

The woman said.

-Where is he now?

-Answering to master.

The young master of the Meng Family is at his new mansion awaiting our return.

Paul thought for a moment and suddenly he had an idea.

-How high is his cultivation level?

-Answering to master.

He is a level 99 in the body cleansing stage.

The woman answered.

-Why is he so weak?

Paul asked, surprised as most of the younger generations of the powerful families were carefully trained from the age of fourteen which was the earliest that one could become a cultivator.

-He never was serious about cultivation which resulted in him not spending a lot of time on it.

The maid said.

This was all He wanted to know from them.

-Go back to him and report that you failed the task, then kill him.

Paul said coldly.

-Once he is dead, take your own life, you are not permitted to be captured alive under any circumstances.

He ordered, knowing well that this was a one-way trip for them.

This was the power of the forced slavery contract and he hated to use it, but since the man coveted his women then he would not show any mercy.

-It shall be done, master.

All four of them said at the same time and left.

Killing the bastard should be easy for them as all four were at the second stage, not to mention that it was four-on-one.

-You sure are ruthless.

Irine said coming into the dining room.

She heard everything and was unsure if she should be in awe or scared silly after what she had witnessed.

-I won't look for trouble, but that does not mean that I won't retaliate if someone tries to take what's mine.

He said.

-Also, it's not that easy for me to order people to their deaths, but if I don't make an example out of someone, everyone will assume I'm weak and easy to bully.

This world understands only one rule and that's the rule of strength and you even experienced it firsthand.

-I get where you are coming from, but won't they discover the marks on their bodies and connect them with you?

She asked with worry.

It was not easy for her and her daughter to find some stability in this world and she didn't want to lose it.

-Don't worry, the mark will disappear the moment they die, so no one will be able to connect it to me.

Besides, you heard that the woman was also that moron's mistress, so it will most likely be classified as a crime of passion.

You would not believe how common this kind of thing is in this world.

Additionally, since the culprits will all die, there should not even be an investigation.

He assured her.

Irine was speechless at his explanation and she started to seriously worry that he might become a cruel and bloodthirsty monster.

-Don't worry, Irine, he won't become a bloodthirsty monster.

Fei Fei said coming down and looking at her friend.

She had also heard everything since she woke up the moment he left the room.

-But you might not want to provoke him in bed.

She added glaring at Paul, who really made her beg for mercy.

Hearing that Irine blushed while Paul just laughed.